“Inside Out & Back Again” Unit 1 Lesson 10
Learning Targets * I can determine the central idea of the section ‘Doc-Lap at Last’ in the informational text ‘The Vietnam Wars.” *I can objectively summarize informational text. *I can use context clues to determine word meanings. *I can participate in discussions about the text with a partner, small group, and the whole class.
Warm Up Open the “Vietnam Wars” article section 5 titled “Doc Lap” Read the article and highlight or underline any information that you think is significant or stands out. Share with your island partners the “gist of what you just read.
Re-reading for Key Details Open the Three Threes in a Row Note-catcher Part 1: Your group answers just the three questions on your row. 2. Take 10 minutes as a group to read your three questions, reread the text, and jot your answers. Note: This is not a pass-the-paper activity. You must each write on your own note-catcher. You must listen, process, and summarize.
Picture 1 Flames consume a Buddhist monk, in Saigon, in the first of several suicide protests against the U.S. backed regime Ngo Dinh Diem
Picture 2 In the end: In April 1975, North Vietnamese troops ride victorious through the streets of Saigon, while the last U.S. soldiers and diplomats escape from the roof of the American embassy.
Picture 3 In the end: In April 1975, North Vietnamese troops ride victorious through the streets of Saigon, while the last U.S. soldiers and diplomats escape from the roof of the American embassy.
Jigsaw—three 3’s in a row Step 1: Complete the Three questions for the Row you are assigned.Be sure your answers are thorough, as you will be sharing with the rest of the class. Step 2: Once finished you will be Mixing and Mingling to fill in each empty space. (8 minutes) Each empty box must be filled in with information you receive from a different person. Write the first name of the person that gave you the information in the box. Summarize the answer given to you that answers the question in your own box!
Whole Group Discussion: “What are the potential implications of this information on Ha’s story?”
Making Connections….. Go to pages 60–67 of Inside Out & Back Again. Skim these poems, looking carefully at the dates of Ha’s diary entries. Question: “Where are we in Ha’s story in relation to the dates we learned about by reading the last section of ‘The Vietnam Wars’?” Question - Listen for students to note the key date, April 30, 1975: the day Saigon fell.
Read pages 42-69 in the novel “Inside Out & Back Again.”