WELCOME INSPIRE INNOVATE IMPACT Please be seated in working groups, based on your primary focus of…. Teaching Business Start-Up/Extra Curricula Managing Delivery
“In search of missing pieces…….” Carol Langston, Alison Price and Jing Zhang An exhibition will take place in Marseille in September, to celebrate its status as the European Capital of Culture 2013 with ten life-size sculptures exhibited at the port of Marseille. WORLD CITIZEN The Art of Missing Pieces Bruno Catalano (2013) Marseille
INSPIRE INNOVATE IMPACT Source: http://bumbumbum.me/2010/04/09/bruno-catalano/ Our Aim: Address the missing pieces INSPIRE INNOVATE IMPACT Trying to map their practice (activities) to see what is missing – compare to China practice – and try to create a virtuous circle of activity – Identifying what actions are neede
Understanding and Mapping your practice Inspire Aim Staff Students WHO Innovate Process What works? WHAT Impact Value HOW
Understanding “inspire, innovate, impact” 10 years on
Initial Findings: in association with @EEUK 85%: F2 Celebrate entrepreneurship education activities and programmes that work well, by organising awards and competitions. 76% E1 Encourage the creation of learning communities with the mission of fostering entrepreneurial minds ets, by building links between the public and the private sector, involving schools, academia and businesses 89% D14 Encourage students, graduates and researchers with commercially viable business ideas to develop them into companies, by providing a range of support services within the institution
Initial Findings: in association with @EEUK 88% D10 Higher education establishments should integrate entrepreneurship across different subjects of their study programmes 88% D8 Engage alumni in the activities of the school/university and in the classroom 85% D6 students associate with real companies and business people 85% D7 Student association with SMEs, business/projects
China: National Case Study Understanding the continuing challenge of creating a nation of graduate entrepreneurs
Triggers to Change
University Response
Challenges and Opportunities
INSPIRE By: Identifying levers/drivers that create prestige and “hunger” to change Understanding barriers to change Finding role models and champions Showcasing practice Making learning fun (engage/inspire your learners) Sharing results of curriculum change
INSPIRE INNOVATE By Appreciation of current methods and teaching practice Exploration and understanding of Best Practice Adaptation: “make it your own” Making meaning (sector, context, discipline) Supporting change agents (networks; champions) Creating sustainable change
INSPIRE INNOVATE IMPACT Through Champions Showcasing practice Sharing results of curriculum change Role models Infrastructure Connecting early adopters with wider networks Staff development
Lessons From China Experience INSPIRE INNOVATE IMPACT Lessons From China Experience
INSPIRE INNOVATE IMPACT Reflection: Focus on your practice INSPIRE INNOVATE IMPACT Which is your personal priority? (GROUP) Share: What do you do that inspires? What do you do that innovates? What do you that creates impact? (& how do you measure impact?) …..And what else do you do?
INSPIRE INNOVATE IMPACT What is in your jigsaw?
Your GOAL: What does success look like?
INSPIRE INNOVATE IMPACT What’s missing for you?
Priorities, Plans and Practice INSPIRE INNOVATE IMPACT Priorities, Plans and Practice
Your Takeaways International Case Study Group work Lessons of national practice to inspire institutional practice Group work Mapping activities (review internal team) Institutional Action Plan Understand the whole picture Individual Action Creating change Opportunity to contribute to research: OSLO AGENDA www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/OsloAgenda
Good Luck with your missing pieces in 2016/7
INSPIRE INNOVATE IMPACT Source: http://bumbumbum.me/2010/04/09/bruno-catalano/ INSPIRE INNOVATE IMPACT