Crab Cavities: In-house Production Extremities R. Claret, M. Garlaschè …J-P. Brachet, P. Freijedo, L. Giordanino, R. Leuxe, L. Prever-Loiri, T. Tardy…
Extremities TO DO List: 4x Extremities HOM & FPC 2x Extremities Beam 1x Extruded extremity Pick-up NbTi Plate 316LN 3Df Nb Sheet Nb Plate ر0.1 Ref. LHCACFCA0014 Ref. LHCACFCA0001
Extremities TO DO List: 4x Extremities HOM & FPC 2x Extremities Beam 1x Extruded extremity Pick-up Interfacing with other Jobs. WHERE? F.E. Welds Shaping: Thickness/Shape & Length Collar Ref. LHCACFCA0001
Extremities: Critical points thckDESIGN=3mm #1) Precision of Nb Sheet for Brazed subassembly WHY? Usual tolerances (DIN & DOUT) =0.01 +0.5 +0.5 ACTIONS: Starting with 4mm Nb sheet, instead of 3mm. Remachining minimum to comply with tolerance Ref. LHCACFCA0001
Extremities: Critical points #2) Size & Thickness of interface to cavity WHY? addressable only after feedback from shaping +0.5mm +~0.5mm +>0.5mm ACTIONS: Launch rough components Overthickness on Nb plate (& sheet) Only Collar launched following forming CASE Smaller extrusion CASE Bigger extrusion Ref. LHCACFCA0001
Extremities: Critical points #3) Assembly Steps: Extremities VS. EB Welding Matter being addressed Change welding sequence on lunette Adding one intermediate collar 1 2
Extremities: Critical points #4) Nb Extrusion WHY? On Collar addressable only after feedback from shaping ACTIONS: Not deemed highly critical Eventual test, Intermediate extrusion tool
Planning Extremities End April WK3 End July 2016 DESIGN MANUF. Long Delay Mat. ordered End July Material @ CERN Extremities 2016 Final Welding Tool Weld Tests Tooling for weld Test Tool Weld Tool Extrusion Weld Qualif Brazing Welding (rough parts) Interface Collar Remach. Rough parts (Nb, NbTi, Flange) Extrusion Shaping Input: Thickness & Length of extremities Extremity Design ready < WK3 DESIGN Launch: Cimblot Ebauche brides Nb & NbTi Coronas Pieces for Qualif MANUF. Overlength and overthickness on Nb corona 30.03 pour HOM/FPC 06.05 pour Diabolo ASSEMBLY
Conclusion Foreseen deadline not critical for Extremities, provided input is obtained on time Watch OUT for deadlines needed on: Design of extremities Deadline Shaping: dimension and wall thickness of interfaces Extremity weldability (geometrical access for E.B) on Lunette may change requirements on welding sequence