CAREER AND HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (DCE3117) Associate Prof. Dr. Roziah Mohd Rasdi Dept. of Professional Development & Continuing Education Faculty of Educational Studies Universiti Putra Malaysia
A cross between helplessness and hopelessness Burnout A mismatch between the requirements of the job and the abilities of the employee Burnout can be the result of stress, low morale, poor working conditions, or simply having too much to do and not enough time to do it. A cross between helplessness and hopelessness
Burnout Occurs at every level of an organization from the mailroom to the boardroom It commonly occurs amongst helping professionals like teachers, nurses and social workers. It also occurs amongst salespeople, customer service people, factory workers and white-collar executives.
Increasingly Pessimistic Outlook Burnout Symptoms Increasingly Pessimistic Outlook It’s harder to get excited about life, harder to expect the best, harder to let things roll off your back, and harder to ‘look on the bright side’ in general.
Depleted Physical Energy Burnout Symptoms Depleted Physical Energy Prolonged stress can be physically draining, causing you to feel tired much of the time. Getting out of bed to face another day of the same gets more difficult.
Feel like you can’t deal with life as easily than you once could. Burnout Symptoms Emotional Exhaustion Feel impatient, moody, inexplicably sad, or just get frustrated more easily than you normally would. Feel like you can’t deal with life as easily than you once could.
Lowered Immunity to Illness Burnout Symptoms Lowered Immunity to Illness People who are suffering from burnout usually get the message from their body that something needs to change, and that message comes in the form of increases susceptibility to colds, the flu, and other minor illnesses.
Less Investment in Interpersonal Relationships Burnout Symptoms Less Investment in Interpersonal Relationships You may feel like you have less to give, or less interest in having fun, or just less patience with people.
Increased Absenteeism and Inefficiency at Work Burnout Symptoms Increased Absenteeism and Inefficiency at Work When experiencing job burnout, it gets more difficult just to get out of bed and face more of what’s been overwhelming you in the first place. This is part of why it makes sense for workers to take some time off before they’re feeling burned-out.
Role Ambiguity Single or multiple roles that confront the role incumbent, which may not be clearly articulated in terms of expectations , priorities, behaviors, or performance levels. (Kahn et al, 1964)
Role Ambiguity Role ambiguity is most common in new positions or in positions undergoing change. Four most frequently cited instances of role ambiguity by Handy, 1985: Uncertainty about how work is evaluated Uncertainty about advancement opportunities Uncertainty about scope of responsibilities Uncertainty about other’s performance expectations.
Role Ambiguity The greater the role ambiguity, the lesser the individual is able to predict the outcome of their behaviors. Reducing role ambiguity had most significant impact on work adjustment compared to other interventions eg. mentoring, training, compensation. In one study of North American expatriates in Ireland, role ambiguity displayed the most significant relationship (negatively) with work adjustment (Morley & Flynn, 2003).
Role Conflict Occur when an individual is forced to take on separate and incompatible roles. Occur when one person is torn between roles for different organizations or when an individual is asked to perform multiple roles within organization.
Role Conflicts In sociological terms, roles are important guidelines for behavior. An individual assumes different roles at work, at home or among friends. Each role creates a set of expectations within the particular environment. Role conflicts can be extremely complex and challenging. Eg: A fireman has a social role that asks him to protect society from danger. When a fire erupts on his own block, he is conflicted between his duties as a fireman and his role as a father and husband that requires him to take care of his own family first.
Role Conflicts Within Organization In many companies, mid-level supervisors also work among the people they supervise. This leads to frequent role conflicts because the supervisor is expected both to work in cooperation with the group and report under-performing members. Role conflicts can also emerge when an employee is asked to perform contradictory tasks. E.g.: one supervisor may ask an employee to increase production and while another asks her to improve quality control.
Role Conflicts : Effects on Workplace Every member of a group comes to expect certain behaviors from another member, asking that member essentially to perform his role. When this role is disrupted by a contradictory role, other people can feel disappointed and even resentful. The individual experiencing the role conflict can also feel frustrated or overwhelmed. He/she may even feel hurt by the resentment from his peers.
Role Conflict Occur when an individual is forced to take on separate and incompatible roles. Occur when one person is torn between roles for different organizations or when an individual is asked to perform multiple roles within organization.