VIOLENCE IN ITS MANY FORMS Health Education Academy at Benjamin Rush Philadelphia
Violence and Preventing Violence Violence = doing harm to someone else, something else or one’s self usually on purpose There are 3 main types of violence: PHYSICAL, VERBAL, EMOTIONAL Some people also include Sexual and Domestic as a 4th and 5th separate type of violence
Harm to a person’s body, their own body or property. PHYSICAL VIOLENCE Harm to a person’s body, their own body or property. Examples: Hitting, kicking, pushing, biting, spitting, etc... As well as Graffiti, breaking stuff, drugs
Harm caused by words….could be intentional or not. VERBAL VIOLENCE Harm caused by words….could be intentional or not. Examples include cursing, yelling at, rumors, gossip, making up stories, name calling, etc
Examples include bullying, spreading rumors EMOTIONAL VIOLENCE Emotional violence can be physical or verbal acts of violence that cause deep hurt to a person’s feelings or long term effect to a person’s personality Examples include bullying, spreading rumors
Examples are sexual harassment, assault or rape SEXUAL VIOLENCE Physical verbal or emotional violence but specifically of a sexual nature Examples are sexual harassment, assault or rape
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE In 2012, there was a growing push to include Domestic Violence as a 5th category of violence. Why? Domestic aka dating violence in the teen’s life, can be physical, can be verbal, can be emotional, and can be physical but does not usually fall into only 1 of these catgeories or even 2….it’s often 3 or 4!
Violence in Society Violence is a major public health problem in the United States. Assault is a physical attach is a threat of an attach for the purpose of inflicting bodily injury. About 2, 510 aggravated assaults (assaults that involve weapons or cause serious physical harm) take place each day. Rape is forced sexual intercourse. Approximately 224 rapes are committed each day. Homicide is a violent crime that results in the death of another individual. Murder is a form of homicide. Approximately 43 people die in homicides each day. Robbery is a completed or attempted theft of property or cash by force or threat of force with a weapon. About 1, 122 armed robberies occur each day. The Daily News Assault is a physical attack or a threat of an attack for the purpose of inflicting bodily injury. Rape is forced sexual intercourse. Homicide is a violent crime that results in the death of another individual. Murder is a form of homicide. Robbery is a completed or attempted theft of property or cash by force or threat of force with a weapon.
Teens and Violence The majority of teens are not violent and do not commit crimes. Nevertheless, about one-fourth of all violent crime in the United States is committed by people under the age of 18. Violent crimes often lead to deliberate injury—injury that results when a person intentionally harms another.
Teens and Violence Teens are also more than twice as likely as people age 25 and older to be victims of violence. Violent Victimization Rates by Age, 12–15 16–19 50–64 65+ The second leading cause of death for all people between the ages of 15 and 24 is homicide. 20–24 25–34 34–49 Murder is 2nd leading cause of death to people ages 15-24 in cities with larger than 1 million people
Causes of and where people learn Violence from People who commit violent acts may not have learned how to cope with feelings such as anger in healthful ways. Many people learn violence from their home life, video games, movies, television, music and the community in which they live. Other factors that contribute to violence in the community include Access to Weapons, Peer pressure, Alcohol and other drugs, Lack of understanding towards peaceful solutions, prejudice which leads o discrimination and hate crimes and lack of understanding of others such as religion or culture Explain the factors that contribute to violence in the community using the following points. Prejudice. A negative and unjustly formed opinion of a particular group can lead to hate crimes. A hate crime is an illegal act against someone just because he or she is a member of a particular group. Weapons. The rise in crime and deliberate injuries may be related to easier access to a variety of weapons, including guns. Peer pressure. Teens may become involved in violence because they want to show loyalty or be accepted by a group. Pressure from the group may cause teens to go against their values Alcohol and other drugs. People who are under the influence of alcohol or other drugs commit almost half of all violent crimes.
Gangs vs groups…”dying” to fit in A gang is a group of people who associate with one another to take part in criminal activity where as a group does not take part in criminal activity. Many teens join gangs and groups because of peer pressure. They may also join gangs to: Overcome their loneliness, boredom, or isolation. Gain respect, power, and friends. Get protection. Be with people of their own racial or ethnic group. Gangs may be involved in drive-by shootings, robbery, illegal drugs, and rape. Criminal gangs often have strict rules. The members of a gang usually hang out with each other. They use their own signals, nicknames, and terms. They may also wear gang tattoos or colors.
To stay clear of gangs: Select groups of friends who are supportive of your goals in life and who do not take part in illegal activity Use refusal skills to avoid getting involved with gangs. Don’t hang out with gang members. You might get blamed for what they do or gradually be drawn into the group. Resist all pressure to do anything illegal. Apply strategies for avoiding weapons. Join peaceful youth groups at the neighborhood rec, church, etc. If gang members threaten you, stay calm and don’t overreact. Even if you are afraid, try not to show fear.
Protecting Yourself To protect yourself from violence: Try to walk in groups Do not look like an easy target – Stand up straight, and walk with a confident stride. Do not use alcohol or other drugs – These substances reduce your ability to protect yourself. If someone bothers you, make direct eye contact, and say “Leave me alone” in a firm voice. If you are in physical danger, shout “Fire!” to get other people’s attention. If someone attacks you, get away in any way that you can. If someone demands your money, jewelry or wallet, throw it away from you. Then run in the opposite direction. Never carry all your money and your wallet together Keep in contact with others Avoid un-safe situations
Safety on the Street At night, walk in lighted areas, and avoid dark alleyways. Avoid walking alone if possible. If you think that someone is following you, go into a store or other public place. Have your keys ready when you reach your front door so that you do not have to fumble for them. Do not hitchhike or accept rides from strangers.
Safety at Home Do not tell unknown callers that you are home alone or give out any personal information over the phone. At home, keep doors and windows locked. Do not open the door for someone you do not know.
Stopping Violence in Schools Below are some ways of stopping violence in schools: Conflict-resolution programs help teens to understand alternatives to violence and teach them to act responsibly in social situations. Peer mediation helps students to work out problems. Dress codes can help to play down the economic differences among students and make it harder for gang members to wear special identifiers. Metal detectors, security cameras, and guards can help keep weapons out of schools. Stop and Think…before you react…take time to cool down then try to work it out
If you see signs of trouble, do the following: What to Do if Someone Wants to Fight or hurt you? Steps to self defense: If you see signs of trouble, do the following: Exercise self-control. Do something unexpected to divert the other person’s attention. Use humor. Give the other person a way out. Try to understand what the other person thinks, feels, or needs. Do not: Let the other person force you to fight. Let your emotions throw you off balance. Try to even the score. Tease or be hostile, threatening, insulting, rude, or sarcastic.
1) Be aware of surroundings 2) Try to avoid dangerous situations What to Do if Someone Wants to Fight or hurt you? Steps to self defense: 1) Be aware of surroundings 2) Try to avoid dangerous situations 3) Make an effort to prevent a situation from turning violent 4) If you have to, defend yourself with physical fighting but be careful not to overdue it 5) Follow up with a person in charge or police