Well 38 Drilling & Testing Amendment Brian Powell Director of Planning November 25, 2015
Agenda Background Borehole A Discussion Planned Well 38 Relocation Additional Project Costs Recommended Action
Background Located in San Jacinto on the Well 28 property Well 28 is out of service due to a stuck pump requiring a new well on the site Well 28 initially pumped at 2,600 gallons per minute (gpm), reduced to 1,500 gpm as it aged Well 28 was originally installed in 1992 and failed in 2012 Due to the history of the site a new well was planned (Well 38) The initial borehole for Well 38 was drilled to 1,520 feet below ground surface (ft bgs) and depth specific water samples taken
Borehole “A” Discussion
50 feet below ground surface Drilling Fluid and Cuttings Outflow Drilling Fluid Inflow 50 feet below ground surface Pressure from Drilling Fluids Pressure from surrounding soils Pressure from surrounding soils Well 38 Not to Scale Mechanics of Borehole Drilling 920 feet below ground surface 963 feet below ground surface 1,520 feet below ground surface
50 feet below ground surface 38” 32” 50 feet below ground surface Pressure from surrounding soils Well 38 Not to Scale Borehole lost circulation (Drilling fluids flowed out Of the borehole at about 963 ft bgs) 17.5” 920 feet below ground surface 963 feet below ground surface (ft bgs) 1,520 feet below ground surface
Planned Well 38 Relocation
Planned Well 38 Relocation New borehole (Borehole B) is required to finish the project. Well 38 will be constructed at Borehole B. Location to be on same parcel but as far from Borehole A as regulatory constraints allow (about 150 feet from Borehole B). 150 ft
Additional Project Costs
Additional Project Costs Well 38 Proposed Costs November 9, 2014 Drilling and Testing Contract approved 12/17/14 $1,567,600 Net Contractor change order requests $790,000 Total Requested Overall Contractor Cost $2,357,600 Increased soft costs (Consultants and Staff) $327,400 Additional contingencies $129,400 Project Total (Construction, Soft Costs, and Contingencies) $3,313,300 Previously Appropriated $2,066,500 Total additional appropriation request $1,246,800 Note: The Contractor has notified the District that should they experience an extended delay they will incur and charge additional costs to the project in the amount of $50,000 for additional mobilization. This $50,000 charge has not been included in the costs presented.
Recommended Action Approve and Authorize the Amendment of Existing Agreements and a New Agreement as Necessary for the Completion of Drilling and Testing Activities for Well 38 (Well 28 Replacement) in San Jacinto Appropriate an Additional $1,246,800 Bringing the Total Project Cost to $3,313,300
Brian Powell Director of Planning 951-928-3777 x4278 powellb@emwd.org