SOAR 2.0 Science ownership of accelerated research Science Department Spring 2016 7th and 8th Grade Advanced Classes
Science Ownership of Accelerated Research Why do we S.O.A.R? GOAL: To research, investigate, and communicate about scientific phenomena that exists within our universe. Objectives: Students will research scientific background information for a selected topic. Students will communicate researched information for a selected topic to an audience. Students will integrate technology in the creation of a project product. Science Ownership of Accelerated Research
DUE DATES FOR ALL OPTIONS PARTS DESCRIPTION DUE DATES 1: Proposal January 20, 2017 2: Project details February 10, 2017 3 Background Research Technology Integration Portion April 7, 2017 4: Final Project (Presentation components: board, technology file, optional model/product) May 5, 2017 PRESENTATION NIGHT 8th grade Thursday, May 17, 2017 5:30-7 pm 7th grade Monday, May 15, 2016
Option 1: problem based approach Student is solving a direct problem and forming a solution and alternative solutions. Student presents problem and solution/alternative solutions. A model or design/blueprint is a great product for this approach if the problem is solved with an apparatus. Example: In a world where humans are affected by genetic diseases, how can symptoms of a patient be used to identify possible genetic diseases?
Option 2: information/expository approach Student explains and describes a topic. Student focuses on the HOW and WHY of a natural phenomenon or scientific theory, idea, or event. Student is not solving a problem. A model is a great product for this approach. Example: Fundamentals of Black Holes or Microorganisms
Option 3: service learning approach Student identifies a problematic need within the community. Student relates identified need to a scientific concept. Students presents problem and forms a solution. The actual implementation of the service learning project does not have to be completed within the current school year. Example: Establishing a campaign against littering in a local body of water
Option 4: scientific method approach Student investigation is driven by a problem and/or a question. Student seeks to solve the problem and/or answer the question through the collection of evidence (data). Student produces Science Fair type project following the Scientific Method. The product of the project includes data collection and a formal lab report. Data must be quantitative and must be based on 5-10 trials.