Basic Command and Staff Principles (Unit 1, Chapter 1, Lesson 9) Inquire: Imagine you are a military leader……Commanding a 600 + man Air Assault Battalion, a Combined Arms Battalion (Tanks and Bradley’s) of over 1,000 men. You are the commander….one person, responsible for everything that unit does or fails to do How do you run that unit? You are the CEO of Delta Airlines…..over 75K employees worldwide. How do you run your company? You own a lawn cutting business with 50 employees….How do you run your business? IT IS ALL THE SAME! Different procedures, job titles, processes, but at the MACRO Level, it is all pretty much the same. It will be the same here in the SPARTAN BN. Project: Team up with the person at the table with you. On a sheet of paper, write down everything you know about Command and Staff Principles. You have four minutes. Go around the room and have them bring up some points they wrote down.
Lesson Objectives PS-LE3-1: Cadets will demonstrate command and staff principles while performing the duties of an earned leadership position within the Cadet Battalion organization. Describe the staff responsibilities and three common procedures used to coordinate staff actions b. Compare the three types of staffs and their relationship to the commander c. List the nine step sequence of command and staff actions in the correct order d. Clarify the scope and purpose of the commander’s estimate e. Define key words: Coordinating Staff, Courses of Action, Echelon, Personal Staff and Special Staff Review OBJs Review all the objs. You know the deal on these…… .But we are going to dig deeper. Take notes…..take very good notes. You will have a quiz the week going into Fall Break.
Basic Command and Staff Principles The commander/leader can not do everything - Same in the military and civilian environment - Skilled people with authority/responsibilities assist the leader Cadet Battalion Organization - Same structure utilized on Active Duty - The staff assist the commander with daily operations to run the Battalion Spartan Battalion Organization - Three Companies - One Staff - Five Specialty Teams The command carries a lot of responsibility and burden. Not enough time in the day to do everything a commander is responsible for. The commander CAN NOT do it all!!!!! He/she needs help. Where do you think they will get that help? FROM THEIR STAFF Spartan BN will use the same staff structure as the Army at the Battalion level The staff assist the commander with daily operations and task. I want you to understand the Spartan Battalion structure……copy this down.
Basic Command and Staff Principles BN CDR BN CSM BN Staff A Co CDR B Co CDR C Co CDR 1st PLT 2nd PLT 1st PLT 2nd PLT 1st PLT 2nd PLT 1st SQD 2nd SQD 3rd SQD 1st SQD 2nd SQD 3rd SQD 1st SQD 2nd SQD 3rd SQD 1st SQD 2nd SQD 3rd SQD 1st SQD 2nd SQD 3rd SQD 1st SQD 2nd SQD 3rd SQD This is how we are organized this year. All companies have four squads organized into one platoon. Know this. Copy it. Be able to draw it and/or explain it. Specialty Teams Color Guard Drill Team Raiders Rifle Team Saber Team
Basic Command and Staff Principles The Army General Staff established in 1903 is the basis for our Army’s present staff system Command Authority and Responsibilities: - Command Authority: authority lawfully exercised over subordinates by rank or assignment - With authority comes responsibility - Command Responsibility: moral and legal accountability over subordinates The Commander alone is responsible for all that their unit does or fails to do!! The Commander holds their subordinates responsible for all the their unit does or fails to do How does the Commander run the Battalion????? by using their subordinate commanders and the staff Armies have always had some form of a staff since the earliest days. Not structured, centralized nor coordinated. In 1903, the Army General Staff established the basis of what our present day staff structure. Broken down by BOS (Battlefield Operating Systems) The Commander has ways to command his unit……. Command Authority and Responsibility: Authority: authority lawfully exercised over subordinates by rank or assignment. Policies, Regulations, etc. Command automatically gives you this authority …UCMJ as a company Commander Responsibility: moral and legal accountability over subordinates Remember this: The commander is responsible for everything their unit does or fails to do!!!! Team activity…..three minutes to coordinate staff actions for the following. The commander tells you to plan for the Spartan Battalion to march in a Christmas parade in Dallas this December. list all things that you need to happen to accomplish this mission.
Basic Command and Staff Principles The Battalion is the lowest level which the Army structure authorizes a staff Battalion Commanders utilizes a staff to PLAN, COORDINATE and EXECUTE training - The commander delegates authority - S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, CSM - The commander can NEVER delegate their Responsibility - Frees the command to focus on essential aspects of command Commander Organize their staffs to: - Be responsive to the needs of the command - Remain abreast of the situation and to ensure that they consider all pertinent factors - Reduce the time needed for control, integration, and coordination of task - Minimize the possibility of error - Minimize the requirements for detailed supervision Battalion is the lowest organization/unit that is authorized a staff Commander uses the staff to Plan, Coordinate and Execute training and operations He does this by delegating his authority to his staff officers. THE COMMANDER NEVERS DELEGATES THEIR RESPONSIBILITY CPT Crawley story as a LT. Commanders organize their staff to do the following : Cover the list Page 6 of your book
Basic Command and Staff Principles Staffs are not in the Chain of Command….they have NO command authority Staffs must be professional and have a full understanding of the unit’s mission Effective staffs can take the commanders guidance and run with it Staffs must continually coordinate within the staff and outside the unit Three types of Staffs - Coordinating: principle staff assistants to the commander. Each will specialize in one field of interest - Special Staff: staff officers who assist the commander in professional, technical, and other functional areas (Medical, Chaplain, Commo) - Personal Staff: staff officers who work under the immediate control of the commander (CSM, Inspector General, Staff Judge Advocate) Staffs are not part of the Chain of Command…..They work for the commander – not for the subordinate commanders. Staff have to know their organization and mission. Hence staff officers being from the same branch. Me as an S4 twice in Infantry Battalions. Staff formulate the commanders guidance into operations/training. Staff must coordinate across the staff and outside of the unit. Three types of staffs Cover them What type do you think we use in the Spartan Battalion Coordinating staff
Basic Command and Staff Principles The Executive Officer directs, coordinates, and supervises the staff XO = Chief of Staff Battalion Staff Primary Responsibilities - S1: Personnel and Administrative Actions - S2: Intelligence and Security - S3: Operations and Training - S4: Logistics/Supply - S5: Public Relations - S6: Special Projects Common Staff Procedures used to coordinate staff actions: - Visits - Conferences - Briefings (Command and Staff Meeting) - Reports - Inspections XO is the Chief of Staff……XO supervises the staff. He is the conductor of the staff band. Staff Primary Responsibilities: Know these. S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 How does a staff know if plans are working......they following up! How Cover the list and elaborate.
Basic Command and Staff Principles Joint Program Accreditation
Basic Command and Staff Principles Two channels through information flows: - Command Channel: Commander to Commander - Staff Channel: Staff officer to comparable staff elements The Staff can never tell a commander NO! Staffs take the commanders guidance and develop plans Staff utilize the 9-Step Decision Making Process (Test/Quiz Hint: You will need to know this by heart) Step 1: Mission – what do you have to accomplish? - 5 W’s: Who, What, When, Where and Why Step 2: Information Available
Basic Command and Staff Principles Step 3: Planning Guidance – Commanders give their guidance to the staff for planning Step 4: Staff Estimates Step 5: Commander’s Estimate and Decision Step 6: Preparation of Plans and Orders Step 7: Approval Step 8: Publication of Plans and Orders Step 9: Command and Staff Supervision
LET IV Selection IAW AR 147-2, the SAI is to sole selector of 4th-year Cadets Basic Criteria: Grades……….must be academically proficient Performance: assessed from entire time in JROTC Maturity – competent, responsible and reliable Behavior – “nuff said” Drugs/Alcohol – any confirmed incidents “on or off campus” Only looking for 12-15 per year Review OBJs Review all the objs. You know the deal on these…… .But we are going to dig deeper. Take notes…..take very good notes. You will have a quiz the week going into Fall Break.