Report of the Membership Review Task Force September 2015
Current Situation No Membership Fee Change Since 2008 Current Membership Fee $15 2012 Introduction Badminton Canada Fee $10 Net Badminton BC $5
Reducing the Gap Membership Level Down must improve or lose status as PSO Membership Fee$ 3rd source of revenue and fees must be 30% of revenue
Research Recommendation Implement Strategic Plan 2013-2016 Review Of Membership Structure Sport Participation – Action Steps 1 & 2 Establishment Of Membership Task Force Research Recommendation Implement Committee Raymond Wong, Frank Price and Penny Gardner
G U I D I N G P R I N C I P L E S Simple & Good Fit Operationally Manageable Consultation Based and Member Focused Good Governance Practices Growth in Participation and Association Integrated with Badminton Canada
MEMBERSHIP MODEL MULTI-TIERED MODEL Individual (4) Competitive Associate Recreational Single Event Club (3) Premier Community Club School Club/Community Center
FEE STRUCTURE Individual Member Category Competitive/Associate $35 Competitive/Associate $35 Recreational $5 Single Event $10 Anniversary Year Renewal
1. Competitive/Associate $35 Badminton BC fee $10 Insurance $2 Admin Fee $6.30 Sports Development $14.95 GST $1.75 2. Recreational $5 Admin Fee $1.26 Sport Development $1.50 GST .24¢ 3. Single Event $10 Admin Fee $2.52 Sport Development $5
FEE STRUCTURE CONT. Club Member Category 1. Premier $350 2. Community $100 3. Schools/Community Centers $100
FEE STRUCTURE Note: Recreational Individual Affiliation is to Gain an Idea How Many Individuals are Experiencing the Game as a Recreational or Competitive Athlete. Club Renewal June 1st Annually
UNIQUENESS Membership Is For Everyone Investing Back Into Participation, Equipment and Development Through Sports Development Fund Membership Approved And Not Bylaw Enforced
VALUE PROPOSITION Programs and Services Sport Development Member Input Insurance Professional Development Public Relations Communication Certification & Accreditation
IMPLEMENTATION Approved by members at AGM Effective immediately 3-year review commitment Annual review of member benefits Integrated with Badminton Canada national database Member assistance in transition
Conclusion New Membership Multi-Tiered Model and New Fee Structure Membership-Attracting High Value High Quality Programs and Services Investing In Sport Participation Badminton For Life Mission Driven To Reach Goals