Core 39 Assessment Training WAYS OF KNOWING OUTCOMES 1-4
Agenda Introduction (10 minutes) Norming exercise (20 minutes) Discussion (20 minutes) Final announcements (5 minutes)
What is assessment? “Assessment is a process of determining "what is." Assessment provides faculty members, administrators, trustees, and others with evidence, numerical or otherwise, from which they can develop useful information about their students, institutions, programs, and courses and also about themselves. This information can help them make effectual decisions about student learning and development, professional effectiveness, and program quality.” – The National Academy for Academic Leadership Contains nothing about: Accreditation Mandates Evaluation
Assessment vs. Evaluation “Evaluation uses information based on the credible evidence generated through assessment to make judgments of relative value: the acceptability of the conditions described through assessment.” – The National Academy for Academic Leadership We are doing assessment. The goal is to improve student learning outcomes, NOT make judgements on the quality of faculty instruction.
Outcome 1
Fails to Meet Expectations Ways of Knowing: Outcome 1 Students will be able to utilize problem solving: the process of designing, evaluating, and implementing a strategy or strategies to answer an open-ended question or achieve a desired goal. Criteria Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Fails to Meet Expectations Define Problem 46% 39% 15% Identify Strategies 51% 35% 14% Evaluate Strategies/ Evaluations 37% 44% 19% Implement Solutions 33% 23% List of Courses: ANTH 111, ANTH 121, BIOL 141, CHEM 262, CMST 101, ECON 208, ENGR 305, GEOG 330, HP 302, MATH 203, MATH 241, MATH 253, PHYS 101, PHYS 108, PHYS 361, PHYS 371, POLS 102 Total Students Assessed: 973
Ways of Knowing: Outcome 1 Students will be able to utilize problem solving: the process of designing, evaluating, and implementing a strategy or strategies to answer an open-ended question or achieve a desired goal.
Ways of Knowing 1: Rubric Totals Score Fails to Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 WOK 1 N 42 33 81 87 140 136 153 160 141 % 4.3% 3.4% 8.3% 8.9% 14.4% 14.0% 15.7% 16.4% 14.5% 25.0% 44.1% 30.9%
Norming Example:
For Discussion How did you use the rubric to develop the key assignment for your course? Did you develop a new assignment to use for assessment? Did you adapt an assignment that you were already using in the course? Did you work as a department to develop the key assignment? Did you share the rubric with your students? How did you use the rubric to assess the key assignment? When assessing the assignment, did you work from Exceeds Expectations to Fails to Meet Expectations? How did you determine if a student artifact exceeded expectations?
Reminders Remember that the key assignment should have a point value in the class. (i.e., it cannot be a bonus or optional assignment). Tk20 Reminders: Classes with uploaded written key assignments (Use the BB link & assess in BB shell). Classes with written assignments that cannot be uploaded (Assess in Tk20; provide .pdf files of scanned student artifacts) Classes with multiple choice exams on Bb (Assess in Tk20 & submit Excel spreadsheet of test results downloaded from Bb) Classes with multiple choice exams not on Bb (Assess in Tk20; provide scans of completed tests)
Thank you! This is the end of the training session for Outcome 1.
Outcome 2
Fails to Meet Expectations Ways of Knowing: Outcome 2 Students will be able to apply methods of inquiry and analysis, the systematic process of exploring issues/objects/works through the collection and process of breaking complex topics or issues into parts to gain a better understanding of them that result in informed conclusions/judgments, as identified by the way of knowing. . Criteria Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Fails to Meet Expectations Topic 43% 41% 16% Existing Knowledge, Research and/or Values 39% 44% 17% Analysis 40% 42% 18% Conclusions 15% List of Courses: ANTH 131, ART 104, ART 201, ARTH 221, ARTH 335, EDUC 221, ENG 105, ENG 222, ENG 285, ENG 386, FREN 275, GEOG 112, GEOG 123, GERM 275, GNDR 111, GNDR 222, HIST 101, HIST 102, HIST 111, HIST 112, HIST 130, HP 236, HP 356, HUM 211, HUM 212, IME 331, INST 101, PHIL 201, PHIL 251, POLS 271, POLS 281, PSY 201, SOC 121, THTR 101 Total Students Assessed: 2,680
Ways of Knowing: Outcome 2 Students will be able to utilize problem solving, the process of designing, evaluating, and implementing a strategy or strategies to answer an open-ended question or achieve a desired goal, as defined by the way of knowing.
Ways of Knowing 2: Rubric Totals Score Fails to Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 WOK 2 N 230 84 162 222 583 298 303 249 549 % 8.6% 3.1% 6.0% 8.3% 21.8% 11.1% 11.3% 9.3% 20.5% 26.0% 44.2% 29.8%
Norming Example
For Discussion How did you use the rubric to develop the key assignment for your course? Did you develop a new assignment to use for assessment? Did you adapt an assignment that you were already using in the course? Did you work as a department to develop the key assignment? Did you share the rubric with your students? How did you use the rubric to assess the key assignment? When assessing the assignment, did you work from Exceeds Expectations to Fails to Meet Expectations? How did you determine if a student artifact exceeded expectations?
Reminders Remember that the key assignment should have a point value in the class. (i.e., it cannot be a bonus or optional assignment). Tk20 Reminders: Classes with uploaded written key assignments (Use the BB link & assess in BB shell). Classes with written assignments that cannot be uploaded (Assess in Tk20; provide .pdf files of scanned student artifacts) Classes with multiple choice exams on Bb (Assess in Tk20 & submit Excel spreadsheet of test results downloaded from Bb) Classes with multiple choice exams not on Bb (Assess in Tk20; provide scans of completed tests)
Thank you! This is the end of the training session for Outcome 2.
Outcome 3
Fails to Meet Expectations Ways of Knowing: Outcome 3 The student will demonstrate the ability to know when there is a need for information, be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively and responsibly use and share that information for the problem at hand. Criteria Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Fails to Meet Expectations Scope of the Information Needed 38% 55% 7% Access to the Needed Information 33% 50% 17% Critically Evaluates information 31% 54% 15% Effective and Responsible Use of Information 32% 13% Access List of Courses: ASTR 201, CHEM 141, GEOL 108, HUM 241, HUM 242, MUS 202, PET 402, PHIL 200, SPTM 223, SPTM 336 Total Students Assessed: 427
Ways of Knowing: Outcome 3 The student will demonstrate the ability to know when there is a need for information, be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively and responsibly use and share that information for the problem at hand. Access
Ways of Knowing 3: Rubric Totals Score Fails to Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 WOK 3 N 18 14 31 44 120 48 42 29 81 % 4.2% 3.3% 7.3% 10.3% 28.1% 11.2% 9.8% 6.8% 19.0% 25.1% 49.2% 25.8%
Norming Example: Access
For Discussion How did you use the rubric to develop the key assignment for your course? Did you develop a new assignment to use for assessment? Did you adapt an assignment that you were already using in the course? Did you work as a department to develop the key assignment? Did you share the rubric with your students? How did you use the rubric to assess the key assignment? When assessing the assignment, did you work from Exceeds Expectations to Fails to Meet Expectations? How did you determine if a student artifact exceeded expectations?
Reminders Remember that the key assignment should have a point value in the class. (i.e., it cannot be a bonus or optional assignment). Tk20 Reminders: Classes with uploaded written key assignments (Use the BB link & assess in BB shell). Classes with written assignments that cannot be uploaded (Assess in Tk20; provide .pdf files of scanned student artifacts) Classes with multiple choice exams on Bb (Assess in Tk20 & submit Excel spreadsheet of test results downloaded from Bb) Classes with multiple choice exams not on Bb (Assess in Tk20; providescans of completed tests)
Thank you! This is the end of the training session for Outcome 3.
Outcome 4
Fails to Meet Expectations Ways of Knowing: Outcome 4 The student will design and execute a performance of the way of knowing. A performance is defined as: A dynamic and sustained act that brings together knowing and doing (creating a painting, solving an experimental design problem, developing a public relations strategy for a business, etc.); performance makes learning observable. Criteria Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Fails to Meet Expectations Specify/ Define the Creative Objective 46% 41% 13% Resources Identified 59% 22% 19% Idea Generation and Selection 60% 34% 6% Execution and Presentation of Work to Audience 8% List of Courses: CHEM 108, ENG 286, ENG 361, THTR 251, THTR 361 Total Students Assessed: 117
Ways of Knowing: Outcome 4 The student will design and execute a performance of the way of knowing. A performance is defined as: A dynamic and sustained act that brings together knowing and doing (creating a painting, solving an experimental design problem, developing a public relations strategy for a business, etc.); performance makes learning observable.
Ways of Knowing 4: Rubric Totals Score Fails to Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 WOK 4 N 15 17 18 27 23 % 0.9% 3.4% 5.1% 12.8% 14.5% 15.4% 23.1% 19.7% 42.7%
Norming Example:
For Discussion How did you use the rubric to develop the key assignment for your course? Did you develop a new assignment to use for assessment? Did you adapt an assignment that you were already using in the course? Did you work as a department to develop the key assignment? Did you share the rubric with your students? How did you use the rubric to assess the key assignment? When assessing the assignment, did you work from Exceeds Expectations to Fails to Meet Expectations? How did you determine if a student artifact exceeded expectations?
Reminders Remember that the key assignment should have a point value in the class. (i.e., it cannot be a bonus or optional assignment). Tk20 Reminders: Classes with uploaded written key assignments (Use the BB link & assess in BB shell). Classes with written assignments that cannot be uploaded (Assess in Tk20; provide .pdf files of scanned student artifacts) Classes with multiple choice exams on Bb (Assess in Tk20 & submit Excel spreadsheet of test results downloaded from Bb) Classes with multiple choice exams not on Bb (Assess in Tk20; provide scans of completed tests)
Thank you! This is the end of the training session for Outcome 4.