National Enforcement of Radon in the Workplace (UK) Gareth Thomas HM Specialist Inspector (Radiation) HSE Cardiff Tel : ++44 29 2026 3000
Increasing commitment ! Overview Increasing commitment ! No competent authority has the resources to act alone. This presentation is about: Providing you with ideas Seeking ideas in return Health & Safety Executive
Radon in the UK Workplace Overview of presentation Who am I ? Overview of radon risks in the UK Legal requirements for UK workplaces National enforcement strategy HSE strategy 1985 – 2005 HSE strategy 2005 – 2010 Conclusions Health & Safety Executive
Radioactive materials/ radiation generators/ non-ionising radiations My role/ job Radioactive materials/ radiation generators/ non-ionising radiations Inspection Investigation Advice Cross-government National programmes Commissioning research Development of regulations Assisting ~ 800 General Inspectors Health & Safety Executive
My role/ job HSE Inspectors’ powers: Right to arrive at any time, inspect workplace, speak to anyone, take photographs and samples. Enforcement: Informal, Improvement notice, Prohibition notice, Prosecution. Information for employees Provide advice Take any other action necessary Health & Safety Executive
All users of radiation: My role/ job Radiation Specialist Inspector … All users of radiation: Industry Medicine Research Teaching Defence Inspection Investigation Advice Cross-government National programmes Commissioning research Developing regulations Health & Safety Executive
My role/ job Radiation Specialist Inspector … Inspection Investigation Advice Cross-government National programmes Commissioning research Developing regulations Accidents Incidents Complaints Exposures Releases Loss Theft Health & Safety Executive
My role/ job Radiation Specialist Inspector … Inspection Investigation Written Verbal Telephone Leaflets/ Web Articles Lecturing Training Inspection Investigation Advice Cross-government National programmes Commissioning research Developing regulations Health & Safety Executive
Government departments My role/ job Radiation Specialist Inspector … Inspection Investigation Advice Cross-government National programmes Commissioning research Developing regulations Health & Safety Executive Government ministers Government departments Public bodies
My role/ job Radiation Specialist Inspector … Inspection Investigation EG. Hospital audits Site radiography Radon Inspection Investigation Advice Cross-government National programmes Commissioning research Developing regulations Health & Safety Executive
Interventional radiology My role/ job Radiation Specialist Inspector … Inspection Investigation Advice Cross-government National programmes Commissioning research Developing regulations Health & Safety Executive Radon Interventional radiology Dosimetry NORM
Overview of radon risks in the UK % houses above 200 Bq / m3 > 30 10 - 30 3 - 10 1 - 3 < 1 Health & Safety Executive Ie. The UK has very good mapping from many years of domestic measurements.
Overview of radon risks in the UK Basic data: 5-7% of lung cancer deaths, approximately 2,500 people per year total (cf. asbestos disease fatalities 3,000/ yr) 160,000 workplaces in affected areas 16,000 workplaces > 400 Bq m-2 (max 7.1 M Bq m-2) 90 to 280 lung cancers per year from occupational exposure < 5% lung cancer ‘curable Health & Safety Executive
Overview of radon risks in the UK Total 2.6 mSv Health & Safety Executive Contributions to the annual radiation dose to the average individual in the UK [2]
Overview of radon risks in the UK 10 major (respiratory) carcinogens in UK workplaces: Crystalline silica Radon Passive tobacco smoke Solar radiation Diesel exhaust Woos dust Benzene Ethylene dibromide Inorganic lead compounds Chemicals used in hairdressing 83% of total number of employees exposed Health & Safety Executive
Overview of radon risks in the UK 10 -20 major (respiratory) carcinogens in UK workplaces: decorating paints chromium IV compounds tetrachloroethylene coal tar products iron & steel foundries asbestos formaldehyde nickel compounds acid mists cadmium containing compounds 14% of total number of employees exposed Health & Safety Executive
Legal requirements for UK workplaces In all workplaces …… Employers must assess risks of radon Usually means measurement If above 400 Bq/m3 Must take ALARA action Usually remediation of building Engineering control Systems of work Dose limits (New buildings built after 1992 should be OK) Health & Safety Executive
National enforcement strategy Target employers in radon affected areas Raise employers awareness of risk of lung cancer from radon in the workplace Employers responsibility for protecting employees Provide advice & direction Require appropriate risk assessment/ measurement Require any necessary remedial action Inform employees & encourage home measurements Health & Safety Executive
National enforcement strategy Summary of 100 trial inspections in 2002 Most employers aware of radon in homes < 5% considered it in their workplace 99% agree to act immediately Employers remediate quickly Remediated buildings << 400 Bq/m3 Health & Safety Executive
National enforcement strategy Reduce incidences ill health caused by exposure to radon at work by ensuring that all employers in affected areas assess the risks and effectively remediate where appropriate. Aim Health & Safety Executive 50% of workplaces assessed risk by 2010. (2002 baseline 8%) Get 500 employers in radon affected areas to do measurements in 2005. Targets Methods 13 planned initiatives.
National enforcement strategy C. Direct contact with employers Health & Safety Executive B. Working with stakeholders and intermediaries A. Provision of information and advice
National enforcement strategy A. Provision of information and advice Health & Safety Executive 11. Publicity campaign (inc articles in professional journals). 12. Update HSE guidance on radon and ensure web site availability. 13. Health & safety training programmes
National enforcement strategy B. Working with stakeholders and intermediaries Health & Safety Executive 7. Advice from Building Inspectors 8. Joint Trade Unions initiatives 9. Encourage professional bodies and organisations to raise the profile 10. Joint action with other government departments and Local Authorities.
National enforcement strategy C. Direct contact 1. Routine inspection by HSE inspectors during normal work. 2. Advice from HSE Health and Safety Awareness Officers (HSAOs) during their routine work. 3. Intensive inspections programmes in high radon areas. 4. Targeting large employers through head offices. 5. Targeted mail shots in very 'hot' local areas. 6. Closer work with Local Authority Health & Safety inspectors. Health & Safety Executive
National enforcement strategy C. Direct contact with employers Health & Safety Executive B. Working with stakeholders and intermediaries A. Provision of information and advice
Radon in the UK Workplace Conclusion - Benefits Radon is overwhelmingly the major source of employee radiation exposure. 90 to 280 potential lung cancer deaths per year from breathing in radon in the workplace is an extremely serious workplace risk. < 5% of employers in high radon areas have measured radon level. Mitigation in homes and workplaces that have measured is extremely low. Employers cannot not continue to ignore exposure to radon in workplaces. Health & Safety Executive
Radon in the UK Workplace Conclusion - Costs Solutions can usually be found without excessive cost. The risks are significant and fully justify government and employer resource allocation. Implementation of these initiatives described by the various stakeholders working together will maximise their collective influence on radon health and safety. Increased awareness and enforcement of the legislation in workplaces may encourage more employees to consider radon in their homes. Health & Safety Executive
Radon in the UK Workplace Conclusion ALARA is not relevant ? Why ? Optimisation below regulatory standards is not a factor (in above ground workplaces) Health & Safety Executive