Make Happen is a movement which champions those who are making it happen and aims to inspire others to find exactly what their it is. Make Happen shares the Higher Education opportunities that are out there to support anyone who's ready to #makehappen.
During sixth form you have a chance to find out what you excel at and what makes you you.
Routes after sixth form might include university, apprenticeships or a school leaver programme and it is important to explore all options
We’re asking you to join the Make Happen movement We’re asking you to join the Make Happen movement. You are in control of where your life takes you.
FUTURE PLANS SCHOOL LEAVER PROGRAMMES A school leaver programme is a fixed-term, paid job available to students after sixth form which provides an intensive, structured training programme and in some cases formal professional qualifications. APPRENTICESHIPS An apprenticeship is usually referred to as a job where young people can train towards a vocational qualification while they earn money from the age of 16 in careers as diverse as nursing, engineering, finance and carpentry. This can now include studying to degree level. UNIVERSITY An undergraduate degree is a three or four year course that you study for at university. All courses include lectures, seminars, essay writing and research. There are 130 universities in the UK to choose from and even more overseas!
MAKE HAPPEN VIDEOS Let’s hear from some current students about their experience of university. While you are watching the videos, think about; - what the students in the films have achieved - what barriers the students faced - how they overcame them
WHAT WILL YOU MAKE HAPPEN? GOAL What is your it? What is it that you excel at and what makes you you? BARRIERS What is stopping you from making it happen? RISKS What is the worst that could happen? MAKE HAPPEN Set yourself some small steps to work towards which will help you to reach your goal
Look at the Make Happen website and explore the other videos and stories. Interact and share your goals on social media with the Make Happen Movement, you will feel inspired by reading the goals of others and feel more committed to your goals if you talk about them with others. Find one person who has been to university and talk to them about their experience of university. This could be a sibling, teacher, parent, friends parent, auntie, uncle, cousin etc. Find a creative way to remember what you want to Make Happen; draw it and put it on your mirror, write it out in your school diary, make it into a daily mantra, tell your family and friends what it is. #MakeHappen
The future is in your hands. What will you Make Happen?