Agecroft Hall
About Agecroft Hall Agecroft Hall was a Tudor estate built in England more than 500 years ago. After falling into disrepair it was purchased in 1925 by a wealthy businessman and reconstructed on his land in Richmond, VA. The mansion was opened to the public in 1969 and offers a glimpse into upper class life in sixteenth century England.
Information Address-4305 Sulgrave Road Richmond, VA Phone- 804-353-4241 Website- Hours of Operation: Tuesdays-Saturdays-10:00-4:00pm Sundays- 12:30-5:00pm Closed Mondays and National Holidays
Directions from Oliver Hall Travel time 11 min. Distance 3.1 miles Head west on W. Main St. Continue onto Ellwood Ave. Turn left onto S. Thompson St. Turn right on W. Cary St. Slight left onto Exeter Rd. Turn left onto Canterbury Rd. Slight right onto Sulgrave Rd. Destination on the left
Regular Admission Adults- $8.00 Seniors (age 65 and up)- $7.00 Full-time students- $5.00 Children (5 and under)- Free Active U.S. military- Free $1 discount for AAA members
Walk-In Tours Walk-in tours are typically offered on the hour and/or half hour during regular museum hours. All museum tours are guided. Contact Katie Reynolds, Manager of Tour Services, for more information at
School Program Reservations Reservations are required and should be made at least two weeks in advance Contact Jill Pesesky, the Curator of Education, at 804- 353-4241 extension 111 or at
School Program Information Cost is $6 per student One adult chaperon is required for every ten students and is admitted free of charge, other chaperon's will be charged a $7 fee Programs partially accessible to the disabled Arrangements can be made in advanced for students to eat lunch on the grounds or in the Education Room Parking is free and easily accessible by bus or car
School Program Choices Flora and Fauna- Grades: Prek-2 SOLs- K.2, K.7, 1.1, 1.6 1 hr. and 45 min. Voyage to Virginia- Grades: 3-5 SOLs-VS.1, VS.2, VS.3, VS.4 5 hrs. Life on the Manor- Grades- 4-12 SOLs- WHII.1, WHII.2, WHII.3 2 hrs. and 30 min.
Kindergarten Field Trip The purpose of this trip is to introduce students to life long ago and give them a foundation for comparing life in the past to life in the present. Flora and Fauna- How did people use plants and animals over 400 years ago in England? How was life different back then? How was it the same? Students will examine rooms and touch basket throughout the museum for evidence. After the tour, students will create their own tapestry or play a seek-and-find game in the garden. SOL K.2- The student will describe everyday life in the present and past and begin to recognize that things change over time. SOL K.7- The student will recognize that a)people make choices because they cannot have everything they want; b) explain that people work to earn money and buy the things they want
Kindergarten Vocabulary Past- something that has already happened Present- what is happening now Choice- choosing among two or more things Wants- things people would like to have Needs- things people must have to live Tapestry- a heavy wall hanging Rushes- sweet smelling plants that were used to cover floors
Pre-Trip Activity First, we would locate England on a globe and trace Agecroft’s journey over the Atlantic Ocean to Richmond, VA with a dry erase marker. Then we would look at England’s climate. We would discuss how the weather is cool and rainy and how English people in the past needed heavy clothing to stay warm. We would examine real wool. We would discuss that wool comes from the fur of sheep. We would read Weaving the Rainbow by George Ella Lyon to learn about the process for making wool into clothing. After we read the story we would cut, color, and paste the steps on a worksheet.
Making Wool Worksheet
During-Trip Activity During the trip, I would have students draw three things they thought were interesting or important. I would provide the students with clip boards, pencils, and a worksheet. These quick drawings will provide the students with notes to help them remember their experience.
Agecroft Hall Notes
Post-Trip Activity After the field trip, I would have students decorate an envelope to make a mini Agecroft Hall. Then, I would have them draw and color objects they saw at Agecroft Hall on the blank side of an index card and on the lined side they would either write or dictate a description of the object and what it was used for.
Envelope Agecroft