Bonds NonMusical Chairs Review
1. Which bond type (covalent, ionic, or metallic) conducts electricity as a solid or a liquid? 2. Which bond type (covalent, ionic, or metallic) conducts electricity only as a liquid, and not in the solid form? 3. Which bond type (covalent, ionic, or metallic) does not conduct electricity at all? Answer: metallic Answer: ionic Answer: covalent
4. Which bond type (covalent, ionic, or metallic) has high melting and boiling points? 5. Which bond type (covalent, ionic, or metallic) has lower melting points? Which bond type (polar covalent, non polar covalent, ionic, or metallic) dissolves in water Answer: ionic and metallic Answer: covalent Answer:polar covalent and ionic
7. An unequal sharing of electrons is a ____________ ___________ bond. 8. An equal sharing of electrons is a _____- _______ ___________ bond. 9. The transferring of electrons takes place in an_____________ bond. Answer: Polar covalent Answer: non-polar covalent Answer: ionic
12. A metal solution is a(n)_____________ 10. The number of _________ _______ is the electrons present in the outermost energy levels that are used for bonding. 11. An atom that has GAINED an electron or electrons is referred to as a(n) __________ 12. A metal solution is a(n)_____________ Answer: valence electrons Answer: anion Answer: alloy
14. Calcium bicarbonate would have the formula ___________. 13. The charge of a monotomic ion is referred to as the ___________ _______. 14. Calcium bicarbonate would have the formula ___________. 15. Gold III chloride would have the following formula________________. Answer: oxidation number Answer: Ca(HCO3)2 Answer: AuCl3
16. The name of AlPO4 is______________ ___________. 17. The name of NaOH is ______ ______. 18. Potassium forms the ion ____ in bonding. Answer: Aluminum phosphate Answer: sodium hydroxide Answer: K+
20. Which atom would be least electronegative: H, O, or N? 19. Which atom is most electronegative and would carry a partial negative charge on covalent bonding: H, Cl, or F? 20. Which atom would be least electronegative: H, O, or N? 21. If subtracting the electronegativities gives a difference of 1.3, the bond would be classified as_________ __________. Answer: F Answer: H Answer: polar covalent
21. Use the ions to make a formula: Mg2+ and OH- 22. In the following representation, which element is more electronegative? H------S + - 23. A very large value in bond energy would infer that the bond is: strong or weak? Answer: Mg(OH)2 Answer: Sulfur Answer: strong
24. Which is negative: bond energy or lattice energy? 25. What are the delocalized electrons in metallic bonding referred to as? 26. The overall charge of an ionic compound is…. Answer: lattice energy Sea of electrons: Answer: zero!
27. Diamond and quartz (sand) are examples of what type of molecule? 28. Sugar is an example of what type of molecule? 29. Salt (NaCl) is an example of what type of compound? Answer: covalent network Answer: polar covalent Answer: ionic
30. Hydrogen gas is an example of what type of compound? 31. Water is an example of what type of compound? 32. Iron is an example of what type of compound? Answer: non-polar covalent Answer: polar covalent Answer: metal