Q-Review of lectures We have increased the use of Q-Review. All 1st year Maths modules and most 2nd and 3rd year modules now use Q-Review to enhance student learning.
Introduction of Study Programme Advisers (SPAs) We introduced SPAs to provide specialised module and programme advice and to make the module selection process quicker and easier.
More Personal Development Opportunities We have introduced a specific Professional Development module and developed the Employability Working Group to identify further opportunities.
More Employability Skills Development All students offered the opportunity to undertake a Microsoft Office Specialist Excel Core Certification and SAS Base Programming Certification.
Better Wi-Fi coverage We’ve conducted a major upgrade of the Wi-Fi service in the Mathematical Sciences Building.
More support in 1st year We have introduced the “i2 Transition project” which offers more support and guidance to aid students transition from College to University.
Semester-Based Exam We introduced a pilot scheme to explore the possibility of running semester-based exams.
More interactive tutorials We have changed our tutorial structure to include group work and more in-depth discussion.
More time to participate and get involved with Sports and Societies We do not timetable any lectures or tutorials after 1pm on Wednesdays
More Student Feedback Opportunities All students invited to provide direct and honest feedback via Student Feedback Open Forums.
More student representation We have student representatives in the School of Mathematical Sciences Student Experience Working Group and Teaching and Learning Committee.
More Maths specific career events We work closely with specialised Career Advisors to arrange more Maths specific career events e.g. Maths Impact Day.
All Student Support information available online We created the “i2 Keepin’ it real” QMplus page where students can access information easily.
More module feedback opportunities We introduced an internal module feedback questionnaire to allow students to provide early feedback in order to improve teaching and learning
Viewing in-term Assessment Marks made easier We have introduced QMplus Gradebook which allows students to view all in-term assessment marks in one place.
Improved library facilities We’ve improved the water supply, drainage and ventilation throughout the Mile End Library and installed state-of-the-art Dyson desk lights.