Antonelli D, Koren O. Rozner E. Turgeman Y. Survival Rate from Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest in Patients admitted to ICCU Antonelli D, Koren O. Rozner E. Turgeman Y. 1Heart Institute, HaEmek Medical Center, Afula, Israel 2Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa, Israel
Disclosure of interests The Authors, DO NOT have a financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with one or more organizations that could be perceived as a real or apparent conflict of interest in the context of the subject of this presentation. Aims of The Study To analyze the prognosis of the patients who survived Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) and admitted into ICCU and identify the predictor variables of mortality.
Method & Results In a retrospective cohort study we followed patients hospitalized after Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest to our ICCU for a period of 5 years (1.1.2009-31.12.2015) A Total of 108 patients were our study population We divided patients to 2 groups. Those who die within hospitalization and those who discharged.
Die within Hospitalization Results In the study included 108 patients. 44 patients died (41%) and 64 pts discharged (59%) Patients who died were Older, Obese, Hypertensive and Diabetic compared with those who survived. Discharged N=64 (%) Die within Hospitalization N=44 (%) P-Value Age 56.6 ±13.4 [56.5,18-87] 64.2 ±11.7 [65, 41-92] 0.0037 Gender (Male) 55 (85.94) 35 (79.55) NS Hypertension 37 (57.81) 0.0186 Hyperlipidemia 40 (62.5) 30 (68.18) Chronic Renal Failure 7 (10.94) 9 (20.45) Diabetes Mellitus 17 (26.56) 24 (54.55) 0.0032 Smoker 39 (60.94) 28 (63.64) Obese 11 (17.19) 18 (40.91) 0.0063 Ischemic Heart Disease 27 (42.19) 25 (56.82) Congestive Heart Failure 21 (32.81) 17 (38.64) Valvular Heart Disease 6 (9.38) 3 (6.82) Cardiomyopathy 5 (11.36) Atrial Fibrillation 6 (13.64) Ischemic ECG 38 (59.38) 23 (52.27)
Die within Hospitalization Results Asystole, as the Initial presented arrhythmia is Poor Prognostic Factor Significant Anoxic Brain Injury was the Worst prognostic factor. The Following Treatments had NO Influence on Mortality: Primary PCI Therapeutic Hypothermia Discharged N=64 (%) Die within Hospitalization N=44 (%) P-Value Ventricular Fibrillation 54 (84.38) 16 (36.36) <0.0001 Asystole 10 (15.63) 28 (63.64) Significant ABI 20 (31.25) 33 (75) LVEF (%) 39.5 ±11.3 [38, 20-65] 39.1 ±7.6 [40, 25-58] NS Duration of Hospitalization 15.2 ±14.7 [10.5, 2-87] 9.5 ±12.9 [4, 0-69] 0.0011 Primary PCI 40 (62.5) 20 (45.45) 0.0798 Reperfusion IRA 31 (48.44) 15 (34.09) Therapeutic Hypothermia 17 (26.56) 12 (27.27)
Conclusions Mortality of patients who survived OHCA and were admitted to ICCU remains High Being Post Anoxic neurological impairment its main cause