TRIBAL EPIDEMIOLOGY CENTERS Established via Indian Health Care improvement Act (IHCIA) Four TECs were started in 1996, now 12 TECs TECs function independently, but also as part of a national group Core funding: Cooperative Agreement with Indian Health Service Division of Epidemiology and Disease Prevention
PUBLIC HEALTH AUTHORITY 2010 Affordable Care Act permanently reauthorized the IHCIA TECs given “Public Health Authority” status Health and Human Services (HHS) directed to give TECs access to HHS data systems and protected health information Centers for Disease Control and Prevention must provide TECs technical assistance Each IHS Area must have TEC access
SEVEN CORE FUNCTIONS Collect data Evaluate data and programs Identify health priorities with tribes Make recommendations for health service needs Make recommendations for improving health care delivery systems Provide epidemiologic technical assistance to tribes and tribal organizations Provide disease surveillance to tribes
TEC BEST PRACTICES REPORT Published 2014 Contents Overview of Tribal Epidemiology Centers Brief profile of each TEC 19 featured best practices Data challenges & strategies Future directions
TEC-C TEC-C = Tribal Epidemiology Center Consortium Mission Our mission is to improve the health status of American Indians and Alaska Natives by identification and understanding of health risks and inequities, strengthening public health capacity, and assisting in disease prevention and control.
TEC-C Vision We envision our consortium as a strong, interwoven group of centers working together to develop: a national Tribal Epidemiology Center narrative enhanced data access and stewardship respected multi-directional public health collaborations diverse sustainable funding base
NATIONAL INITIATIVE – CDC GHWIC A Comprehensive Approach to Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country System, Policy and Environmental Approaches to Achieve 3 Long-Term Goals: Reduce rates of death and disability from tobacco use Reduce prevalence of obesity Reduce rates of death and disability from diabetes, heart disease, and stroke