Chapter 3.1graphic organizer Life Cycle of a star Chapter 3.1graphic organizer
Formation of stars Nebula: where stars are born Made of dust and gas
Main sequence Longest stage of a stars life Last as long as the star has enough gas The size of the star depends on how long they are in this stage
Average size stars Red Giants White Dwarfs When a star uses up its hydrogen The helium begins to fuse into Carbon Then the core begins to collapse and the outer layers begin to expand a cool White Dwarfs When all the helium is fused up Fusion stops and shrinks
Massive stars Supergiants Similar Characteristics as a Red Giant, however, the end product is a heavier atom like Iron When a supergiants core begins to collapse it turns into a violent explosion Supernova Only occurs with Gold, Silver, and Uranium Can be as bright as a galaxy
After a supernova If remains of a supernova is so dense it becomes Neutron Star Made almost all of Neutrons More mass that the sun but only a few kilometers in diameter If the core of remaining is so massive (5X mass of Sun) becomes a Black Hole So dense light cant even escape We know they are there because they effect the objects around them