Mythical Monsters and Creatures Greek Mythology Mythical Monsters and Creatures
They had the torso, arms, and head of a man on a horse’s four- legged body. They were a wild and uncivilized people who were skilled with weapons and hostile toward humans. An exception, Chiron, was a wise tutor who befriended and taught several Greek heroes, including Theseus, Achilles, and Heracles. The Centaurs
Cerberus This dog, owned by Hades, was a huge three-headed beast that was said never to sleep. He guarded the gates of the underworld and stopped the souls of the dead from escaping. He also prevented the living from trying to enter and rescue their loved ones from the clutches of death.
It is a three-headed, fire-spitting monster that roamed the ancient district of Lycia (present-day Turkey). A lion with a goat’s head on its back and a snake’s or dragon’s head on its tail. It is the offspring (child) of Typhon and Echidna. Weapons: claws, horns, fangs, and fire. Killed by the hero Bellerophon. The Chimera
Unlike their peaceful predecessors who were descended from Gaia and Uranus, these evil, man-eating giants killed and ate unfortunate seafarers who landed in Sicily. They were tall and strong, with a single eye. Offspring of the sea god, Poseidon. Weapons: sticks and stones Defeated by Odysseus The Cyclopes
These vicious flying creatures tormented humans and could swoop down to steal whatever they pleased. They were half woman, half bird. Daughters of Electra and Thaumas Weapons: strong, claw like hands Exiled to the island of Crete by the Argonauts. The Harpies
The hydra This serpent had poisonous breath and many heads. If one head was cut off, it could grow two heads in its place. Each head had a long, flexible neck. Offspring of Typhon and Echidna Weapons: poisonous fangs and breath Killed by Heracles The hydra
These three horrible sisters had long fangs and a mass of hissing snakes for hair. Roughly human with golden wings, snakes for hair, and hands of copper. Offspring of Phorkys and Keto, two of the Gorgons were immortal, but Medusa was mortal. Weapons: they turned people to stone Medusa was killed by Perseus. The gorgons
This man-eating monster was kept imprisoned in a labyrinth in Crete beneath the palace of King Minos. It had the body of a man with a bull’s head. Son of Queen Pasiphae of Crete. Weapons: great strength, bull’s horns Killed by Theseus The Minotaur
It was a flying steed tamed and ridden by Bellerophon, who used a magic bridle given to him by Athena. It was a winged horse. Arose from the blood of Medusa. It possesses no weapons. Turned into a constellation. Pegasus
These wild, hairy creatures of the forest were often found hanging out with Dionysus. They were half man, half goat, with small horns. They had no parents and were considered to be natural spirits. Weapons: music and merrymaking Believed by some to still exist The satyrs
scylla It was a six-headed monster that lived on one side of the narrow channel of sea between Sicily and Italy. It was six-headed with twelve legs. It was once a Nereid but was turned into a monster after incurring the wrath of Circe. Weapons: vast size and many teeth Turned into a rock.