Vocabulary 3
to change, to function in a new way, to adjust, to modify Freshmen have to adapt to the schedules and size of the high school. Synonyms: accommodate, adjust, conform Antonym: rebel
animosity intense hatred; hostility; strong dislike It is hoped that the work of the United Nations will help to decrease animosity among the countries of the world. Synonyms: dislike, resentment, enmity, hostility Antonyms: amity, friendliness, concord
bent, slant, opinion, inclination, propensity To influence; to prejudice. Prejudice; strong inclination toward a particular opinion or desire. Many persons who deny rights to others are biased by ignorance and emotion. Synonyms: (verbs) prepossess, sway, prejudge Antonyms: impartiality, liberalism The statesman reviewed the pending legislation in the Senate without showing bias for or against it. bent, slant, opinion, inclination, propensity
Compact The pilgrims drew up the Mayflower Compact to establish the government of the Plymouth colony. The glassware traveled without breaking because the shippers had made a very compact package. an agreement between parties. Synonyms: (nouns) contract, accord Antonyms: (nouns) discord, dissension firmly held together; closely united Synonyms: (adjectives) compressed, succinct, concise, pithy Antonyms: (adjectives) loose, diffuse, verbose.
devout Reverently attentive to religious duties and actions Mary has been a devout Catholic all her life. devout Synonyms: pious, faithful, religious Antonyms: irreligious, impious, infidel, unfaithful, irreverent Reverently attentive to religious duties and actions
FLaunt To display with great show or impudence (disrespect) Synonyms: brandish, wave, flourish Antonym: hide She has to flaunt her wealth by driving big cars and wearing expensive jewelry.
Lax The student’s marks suffered when he became lax in his study habits. Not strict Synonyms: imprecise, loose, careless Antonyms: stringent, rigid, severe, firm, tenacious
repulsive The sight of the mice is repulsive to me. Causing strong dislike Synonyms: repugnant, disgusting, loathsome, offensive Antonyms: appealing, alluring, attractive The sight of the mice is repulsive to me.
Subtle 1. Thin, rare, not dense or heavy. 2. Delicately skillful or clever. 3. Hard to solve or detect. Synonyms: sly, artful, crafty, delicate, elusive Antonyms: evident, obvious, distinct, open There was a subtle aroma of sandalwood in the room. The cut was as subtle as the delicate incision of a great surgeon.
verify To prove to be true by demonstration, evidence, or testimony. Synonyms: confirm, prove, establish, identify Antonyms: deny, negate, contradict To prove to be true by demonstration, evidence, or testimony. verify I called the restaurant to verify the address and dress code.