WILL/WON’T + SUB + BE + VERB-ING? FUTURE CONTINUOUS The future continuous refers to an unfinished action or event that will be in progress at a time later than now. The future continuous is used for quite a few different purposes. WILL + BE + VERB-ING WON’T + BE + VERB-ING WILL/WON’T + SUB + BE + VERB-ING?
I’ll be working when you arrive, so take the bus home. FUTURE CONTINUOUS Something that will be in progress at or around a specific future time. I’ll be working when you arrive, so take the bus home. your arrival now working
I’ll be having dinner with Mary, so I’ll ask her . FUTURE CONTINUOUS Something that will happen in the normal course of events, not as part of a particular intention or plan. I’ll be having dinner with Mary, so I’ll ask her . I expect I’ll be visiting the city with Carlos, maybe you could come with us. Note: We can use it to introduce requests in a neutral way. Will you be going to the supermarket? Yes. Could you bring me some milk, then?
FUTURE PERFECT The future perfect tense refers to a completed action in the future. When we use this tense we are projecting ourselves forward into the future and looking back at an action that will be completed some time later than now. It is most often used with a time expression. WILL + HAVE + PAST PARTICIPLE WON’T + HAVE + PAST PARTICIPLE WILL / WON’T + SUBJECT + HAVE + PAST PARTICIPLE?
I’ll have paid all my debts by the end of the month FUTURE PERFECT To talk about something that will finish before a specific time in the future, often used with the preposition by, meaning at the latest. I’ll have paid all my debts by the end of the month pay now end of the month
FUTURE CONTINUOUS and PERFECT It’s possible to use other modals, adverbs and phrases with both forms. This time next month I could be relaxing. I will probably be relaxing. I’d like to be relaxing. By 20.00 I might have finished. I’d like to have finished.