Lecture Objectives: Continue with air-conditioning (psychrometric) by looking into swimming pool example homework assignment problems Look at the cooling side of air condition solve some problems related to the cooling system efficiency
Heat pump example A recreation center Heat Pump Ice Rink Swimming pool Condenser Evaporator 85-89oF 30oF Consumes heat energy Rejects heat energy Electric power for a compressor
Swimming pool energy and mass balance
Evaporation Heat loss by evaporation: hm Tpool Tair pool W s W ≈ hm Ws Tpool Wair pool Depends on the air speed and even more on the condition of the water surface (people splashing in the water) Further analysis can be conducted in the psychrometric chart
Air conditioning in Air Handling Units (AHU) Fresh (outdoor) air Cooling coil Heating coil damper Fan (pull) Fan (push) mixing Recirc. air Filter Swimming pool
Air Handling Unit (AHU) Configurations
HW Assignment Textbook (Thermal Environmental Engineering) problems: 8.1, 8.8, 8.13, 8.20 Need to talk about: - humidification and - heat recovery
Humidification (steam or air washer) Steam humidifier Air washer (mister)
Cooling Cycle (we discussed this but we need some numerical examples) We need: COP = (h3-h2)/(h4-h3)
T-S diagram (water)
P-h Diagram (water)
P-h Diagram for R22
Example A) Calculate the COP when: ambient temperature is 30ºC Cooling coil (CC) is 10ºC Assume that : condensation is 10ºC above ambient temperature and evaporation is 10ºC below CC temperature B) How much electricity you need to provide 1 ton of cooling ?