Journal Entry #9 What role does nature play in your life? What kind of connection is there between human spirituality and nature? Walden Pond today:
Colors of the Wind Listen to the lyrics and jot down examples of EACH Transcendental tenet - Nonconformity - Self-reliance - Free thought - Positivity/confidence - Importance of nature
“Good men must not obey the laws well.” Ralph Waldo Emerson Henry David Thoreau Born in Boston to a Unitarian minister Father died at age 8; turned to eccentric aunt Attend Harvard; Pastor at Second Church of Boston Resigned from the church after only 3 years A true independent thinker Focused on individuality and humanity’s connection to nature A unique child; rarely followed rules Attended Harvard; constantly questioned authority Became close friend and disciple of Emerson A major belief was that society had limitations whereas an individual did not Focused on relationship between nature and humanity/spirituality and the endless possibilities within the human spirit
Analysis of Challenging Texts Walden by Thoreau Nature by Emerson We’ll model Walden together
Exit Ticket According to Emerson and Thoreau what role should nature play in our lives?
Solitude Lesson Journal #10
Journal Entry #11 Agree/Disagree? Which tenet of Transcendentalism does this represent?
Self-Reliance Jigsaw - Formative Read and annotate your assigned part of “Self-Reliance.” Summarize your section Identify the central idea Determine the most important line from your excerpt. Meet with those that have the SAME section as you to compare/contrast central ideas and most important lines. JIGSAW. You need parts 1-8 in your group and each person to read their modern translation and summary of your assigned section. You will complete the summary chart on your own personal worksheet.
Found Poetry Starting with Part 1, a recorder from each SECTION will come write the most important line that you chose as a group. We will be creating a found poem. When done, we will create a title as a class.