Valley Road School Keep fit and healthy and join an after school club at Valley Road and you could be the next Max Whitlock! Expression of interest forms must be returned by Friday 8th September 2017 and places will be allocated the following week. Clubs will begin week commencing Monday 18th September 2017. After School Clubs Autumn 2017
Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Advanced Gymnastics Leader: Mrs Jopling and Lisa Snowball Invite only Venue: Hall Time 3.10-4.15 Cost: Free (School Team) Orienteering Leader: Miss Smith and Coach Year Group: Year 5 and 6 Venue: School Field Cost: £1 per session Tuesday Gymnastics Year 5 and 6 Leader: Miss Toft and Lisa Snowball KS2 Netball Year Group: Year 3 and 4 Venue: Raich Carter Tuesday Colouring Club Leader: Miss Arshad Year group: Year 1 and 2 Venue: Miss Arshad’s Classroom Time 3.10-4.15 Cost: 50p per session Film Club Leader: Miss Mohammed Year Group: Year 1 and 2 Venue: Miss Mohammed’s classroom Football Year 5 and 6 Leader: Mr Burnikel and Mr Taylor Year Group: Year 5 and 6 Venue: School Field Cost: Free (school team) Wednesday Gymnastics Year 1 and 2 Leader: Miss Noonan and Lisa Snowball Venue: Hall Cost: £1 per session Wednesday Curling and Baseball Leader: Miss Heslop and Coach Year group: Year 3 and 4 Venue: School Field Time 3.10-4.15 Cost: 50p per session Thursday Gymnastics Year 3 and 4 Leader: Miss Fenwick and Lisa Snowball Year Group: Year 3 and 4 Venue: Hall Cost: £1 per session Football Year 3 and 4 Leader: Mr Harvey and Coach