Public Service Commission Workplan and Budget (2007/08) Presentation to the Select Committee on Local Government and Administration 22 May 2007
OVERVIEW OF PRESENTATION Introduction Institutional overview Workplan for 2007/08 Budget for 2007/08 Conclusion
INTRODUCTION The PSC is mandated by the Constitution to, among others investigate, monitor and evaluate the organization and administration of the Public Service. Linked to this mandate the PSC must also propose measures to ensure effective and efficient performance in the Public Service., and to promote the Constitutional values and principles of public administration. In fulfilling the above mandate, the PSC sees its strategic obligation as the generation of evidence to enable Parliament to exercise its oversight role, and to advise the Executive on good administrative practices. This presentation provides an institutional overview of the PSC, its workplan for 2007/08 and its budget.
INSTITUTIONAL OVERVIEW PSC’s work in the field of anti-corruption and professional ethics has substantially escalated through its management of the National Anti-Corruption Hotline and its conducting of public administration investigations. The demands in the field of anti-corruption and professional ethics have led to the creation of a new Chief Directorate which will be implemented with effect from 1 April 2007. The PSC has continued to roll out its Monitoring and Evaluation System. There has been a consistent increase in demands for the PSC’s intervention in all areas of its mandate. This places considerable strain on its human and financial resources.
INSTITUTIONAL OVERVIEW (continued) The break down of employment equity per level within the organisation, as at 1 February 2007, is reflected below: LEVEL AFRICANS COLOUREDS INDIANS WHITES SUB-TOTAL TO-TAL F# M* T+ F M T 01-08 57 31 88 4 1 5 6 67 32 99 % 65 35 100 83 17 68% 32% 09-12 21 28 49 2 7 12 41 69 43 50 42 58 41% 59% 13-16 18 24 3 8 11 26 37 25 75 30% 70% TOTAL 84 77 161 14 106 205 52 48 78% @ 6% 33 3% 54 46 13% 52% 48% # = Female * = Male + = Total @ = % of total number of employees
INSTITUTIONAL OVERVIEW (continued) Since the inception of the PSC, the OPSC has increasingly managed to improve financial management and budgetary control. The following are worth noting: Spending patterns have consistently improved from an under-expenditure of 2.35 % in the 2001/2002 financial year to 1.60% in the 2005/2006 financial year. Projections for 2006/2007 are that the PSC will again under-expend by less than 1.50%. The expenditure should, however, be viewed against the fact that if donor funding was not available certain key projects would not have been completed. The PSC has an exemplary audit history with unqualified Audits being received for the past six years.
WORKPLAN FOR 2007/8 The line function of the PSC is divided into two Branches, each with three Chief-Directorates: Branch: Monitoring and Evaluation Governance Monitoring Service Delivery and Quality Assurance Leadership and Performance Improvement Branch: Investigations and Human Resource Reviews Labour Relations Improvement Public Administration Investigations Professional Ethics and Strategic Human Resource Reviews A discussion of the PSC’s workplan for 2007/8 is further provided in this segment of the presentation
GOVERNANCE MONITORING PROGRAMME OBJECTIVE: Good governance promoted and governance practices enhanced. Name of project Completion Date Monitor and evaluate adherence to Constitutional values and principles in five national and eighteen provincial departments. Feb 2008 Produce a State of the Public Service Report 2008 SOPS Round Table: Critical review of SOPS 2007 July 2007 Meta evaluation methodologies introduced June 2007 Evaluation of the Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme (CASP) March 2008
SERVICE DELIVERY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAMME FOR 2007/08 FINANCIAL YEAR OBJECTIVE: Service delivery promoted and governance practices enhanced. Name of project Completion Date Citizen Satisfaction Survey (Provincial Agricultural Services) March 2008 Service Delivery Inspections conducted Support Implementation of the Citizens’ Forums Toolkit Rate of Service Delivery by the Limpopo Department of Education: Focus on the Feeding Scheme Programme Develop Quality Promotion Methodology (Governance Alert) Dec 2007 Evaluate Batho Pele Principle of Openness and Transparency
LEADERSHIP AND PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME OBJECTIVE: A high standard of public service leadership promoted and improvements in service delivery encouraged. Name of project Completion Date The HoD evaluation process managed March 2008 The HoD evaluation process reviewed Roll out of Organizational Performance Assessment Instrument HoDs’ Performance Agreements monitored and evaluated Analysis of Key Public Service Leadership issues arising from deliberations of HoD Evaluation Panels Report on the Quality of PAs and Compliance with their Requirements (North West) October 2007 Assessment of the Mobility of HoDs and its Impact on service delivery in the Public Service February 2008 Analysis of payment of performance incentives to HoDs without annual performance reviews conducted June 2007 Improving relations at the Executive Interface: (i) Round Table on the Report and (ii) Assessing the need for an interim mediation mechanism August 2007
LABOUR RELATIONS IMPROVEMENT OBJECTIVE: Public Service Labour Relations and Management Practices enhanced. Name of project Completion Date Grievances and complaints investigated. Ongoing Monthly reports to the Commission on the grievance and complaints database. Report to the PSC on the implementation of the PSC’s recommendations March 2008 Six monthly report on departmental grievance resolution for the PSC. Development of guideline Protocol on summonsing of witnesses and handling of hearings June 2007 Report on an analysis of grievance resolution in the Public Service Sept 2007 Evaluation of the consistency of sanctions imposed on public servants Investigation into the reasons for the top five causal factors of grievances in the Public Service
PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION INVESTIGATIONS OBJECTIVE: Auditing and investigating public administration practices. Name of project Completion Date Investigating complaints lodged and responding to requests emanating from the PSC, Executing Authorities, Public Servants and anonymous complaints/ whistle blowing e.g. NACH Ongoing Report on Financial Misconduct for the financial year 2006/2007 Jan 2008 Trend analysis on public administration investigations August 2007 Evaluation of supply chain management practices for the procurement of goods and services in selected departments focusing on general payments within the R30000 threshold March 2008 An audit into the granting of performance rewards in two provincial departments in all provinces and two national departments for 2003/2004, 2004/2005 and 2005/06 Investigation into the impact of micro-lending and garnishee orders served on public servants and the implications for the Public Service Sept 2007
PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND HUMAN RESOURCE REVIEWS OBJECTIVE: Establishing a culture of professional ethical behaviour and reviewing the implementation of human resource policies. Name of project Completion Date Review of the Code of Conduct March 2008 Management of asset register Advice on Conflicts of Interest Coordinate National Anti-corruption Programme project Serve as Secretariat to the National Anti-Corruption Forum and coordinate implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Programme Ongoing Facilitate roundtable on how to prevent bribery of foreign nationals by SA Business persons April 2007 Hosting of the Third National Anti-corruption Summit Nov 2007
PEHRR PROGRAMME (cont’d) Name of project Completion Date Management of National Anti-Corruption Hotline March 2008 Investigate the manner in which departments manage the acceptance of gifts received by public servants Jan 2008 Evaluate the state of professional ethics in KZN Analyse the extent of corruption in the Public Service Evaluate strategic human resource planning by departments in the Public Service Evaluate selection processes of selected national and provincial departments against best practice Develop a Human Resource Management self-assessment instrument Nov 2007
MEDIUM TERM EXPENDITURE FRAMEWORK ESTIMATES FOR 2006/7 – 2007/8 – 2008/9 The budget is divided into three programmes, namely: Administration Investigations and Human Resource Reviews Monitoring and Evaluation
PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION VOTE 10 MTEF ALLOCATIONS 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Administration: Programme1 53 028 55 606 58 989 Investigations and Human Resource Reviews: Programme 2 28 171 29 557 31 212 Monitoring and Evaluation: Programme 3 24 158 25 343 26 764 TOTAL 105 357 110 506 116 965
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION Sub-programme 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Public service Commission 12 616 13 241 13 960 Management 6 293 6 602 6 980 Corporate Services 26 542 27 832 29 484 Property Management 7 577 7 931 8 565 TOTAL 53 028 55 606 58 989
PROGRAMME 2: INVESTIGATIONS AND HUMAN RESOURCE REVIEWS Sub-programme 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Labour Relations Improvement 6 090 6 392 6 731 Public Administration Investigations 10 818 11 354 11 968 Professional Ethics and Human Resource Reviews 11 263 11 811 12 513 TOTAL 28 171 29 557 31 212
PROGRAMME 3: MONITORING AND EVALUATION Sub-programme 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Governance Monitoring 9 338 9 796 10 347 Leadership and Performance Improvement 6 157 6 459 6 812 Service Delivery and Quality Assurance 8 663 9 088 9 605 TOTAL 24 158 25 343 26 764