Melodic Review & Counterpoint HS Choir – Spring 2017
Scales Unless it is atonal, every song is based on one of the basic scales of music: Major Minor Chromatic Pentatonic Blues
Major Scale Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti
Minor Scale Do Re Fa So Me Le Te
Chromatic Scale Do Di Ri Fi Si Li Re Mi Fa So La Ti Ra Me Se Le Te
Pentatonic Scale Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti
Blues Scale Do Di Ri Fi Si Li Re Mi Fa So La Ti Ra Me Se Le Te
Which Scale Does each Song Use?
Letter Names & Keys
Review: Solfege & Letter Names Solfège (Do, Re, Mi) are moveable steps. They can start on any pitch and create a scale. Letter Names are fixed pitches. Starting on a different letter creates a different scale. Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Key of C C D E F G A B Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Key of F F G A Bb C D E
Review: Notes on the staff The Treble Clef (for high notes) Bass Clef (for low notes)
Identifying Notes on the Staff Line Notes: Every Good Boy Does Fine Space Notes: F A C E F E D C B A G F E
Keys & Key Signatures Keys tells you where “Do” is on the piano or music staff. (Key of C means C is Do.) Key signatures tell you what key the music is in. Key of F Key of C Key of G
Key Signatures. You can memorize the key signatures for C, F, and G, but for the rest you need to learn the rules. Sharps Rule: ID the last # in the key signature and go up a half step. (If F#, then key of C.) Flats Rule: ID the next to last in the key signature. (If B then key of B)
Practice Key Signatures Key of A Key of Eb