Nationalism & The Era of Good Feelings
The Era of Good Feelings James Monroe elected president in 1816 “Era of Good Feelings” is a term used to describe his two terms in office Monroe years marked by a spirit of nationalism, optimism, and good will Republicans dominated politics in every region of the country This sense of cultural and political unity however turned out to be illusory
James Monroe Revolutionary War veteran and prominent leader of the Republican party Also held high-level diplomatic roles Continued Virginia’s dynasty of presidents (first four out of five were from VA)
Cultural Nationalism Monroe was supported by a younger generation of Americans Excited about the prospects of a new nation expanding westward Little concern for European politics The idea that the young country was entering an era of unlimited prosperity Patriotic themes found everywhere in society (painting, literature, school textbooks, etc.) Ideas of nationalism and patriotism dominated the 19th Century
Economic Nationalism Political movement to support the growing economy Subsidize internal improvements Protecting U.S. industries from European competition Tariff of 1816– raised tariff rates on certain imports for the purpose of protecting U.S. manufacturers (made it more expensive for foreign goods to be shipped here) During War of 1812– factories built to supply goods that we were no longer getting from Britain In peacetime it was feared that British goods would be dumped on the market and take away much of American manufacturers’ business Tariff of 1816 the first protective tariff in U.S. history Generally well supported
Henry Clay’s American System Leader in the House of Representatives from Kentucky Proposes a plan to advance the nation’s economic growth: Protective tariffs National Bank Internal improvements
Henry Clay’s American System Protective Tariffs– promote American manufacturing and raise revenue to build a national transportation system of roads and canals National Bank– would keep the system running smoothly by providing a national currency Internal improvements- improved transportation would promote growth in the West and the South
Henry Clay’s American System Two parts of Clay’s system– the protective tariff and the Second Bank of the United States– were already in place by 1816 In regards to internal improvements, Monroe objected the Constitution did not explicitly provide for spending of federal money on roads and canals Individual states were left to make internal improvements on their own
? Define cultural nationalism. What did the Tariff of 1816 do? What happened to American manufacturing during the War of 1812? List the three parts to Henry Clay’s American System. Why did the federal government not address internal improvements in the country’s infrastructure?