Welcome to the 2016 InTeGrate Professional Development Webinar Series Free and open to the public, this series aims to help faculty teach about the earth in the context of societal issues. The series incorporates InTeGrate principles into teaching practices, provides materials available for adoption, and creates a forum for participants to learn and share teaching strategies. Alice will introduce the series and say a few words about InTeGrate http://serc.carleton.edu/integrate/workshops/webinars/2016_2017/gradteaching/index.html
Developing Graduate Students’ Teaching Capacity with InTeGrate Materials Megan D’Errico Anne Egger Joy Branlund Rory McFadden Central Washington University San Diego State University Southwestern Illinois College SERC (moderator)
Webinar Overview Importance of learning to teach to graduate students and post-docs Models for helping graduate students and post-docs develop teaching skills How InTeGrate materials are scaffolded to improve learning and support teaching Opportunities Participant Reflection Wrap-up and Evaluation
Graduate Student Perspective: Megan D’Errico Stanford InTeGrate Implementation Program 2015 Climate of Change 3 sections of 60 students at San Jose State
Gained from InTeGrate experience: Explore teaching-focused academic career Develop time management skills, balance of research and teaching Confidence in teaching abilities and skills
Next Steps: Post-doc in Science Education Teaching Mineralogy Feel free to contact me with questions: mderrico@mail.sdsu.edu
How do graduate students and post-docs fit in? Faculty advisors often expect them to be focused on research Departments often expect them to teach to receive a stipend Support for developing teaching skills and experience is often sidelined A variety of research and teaching experiences can help with career decisions
Individual opportunities Programmatic opportunities
Programmatic opportunity: Stanford Implementation Program
Preparing to teach Day 1 Day 2 Introduction to InTeGrate Engagement in data-rich activity and debrief Backward design Metacognition Explore InTeGrate modules Mini-teaching with feedback Reminder of resources and using the website Common outcomes Reality check Excitement about community and resources for teaching
InTeGrate materials employ best practices The following are extracted from InTeGrate’s development rubric: Course/module: addresses one or more geoscience-related grand challenges facing society develops student ability to address interdisciplinary problems improves student understanding of the nature and methods of geoscience and developing geoscientific habits of mind makes use of authentic and credible geoscience data to learn central concepts in the context of geoscience methods of inquiry incorporates systems thinking
InTeGrate materials employ best practices, cont. The following are extracted from InTeGrate’s development rubric: Instructional materials should be sufficiently diverse and at the depth necessary for students to achieve learning objectives and goals are current Learning strategies and activities promote student engagement with the materials develop student metacognition provide opportunities for students to practice communicating geoscience scaffold learning
Some aspects of InTeGrate modules Author name – feel free to contact Clear learning goals that are linked to (included) assessments Context spells out what students should already know, the type of class this can be used, etc. Handy menu All needed materials are included
Some aspects of InTeGrate modules, cont. Description and Teaching Materials Often several options for activities Anticipated time for each is provided Other tips are found in Instructor Stories
Example: scaffolding 2. Students start by filling out a partially completed map 1. Background information is provided about what concept maps are and how they help student learning 3. Other exercises require students to interpret concept maps 4. Students can draw a map to tie together concepts from the entire module as an assessment
Other programmatic opportunities
Other programmatic opportunities
Individual opportunities Career Prep at EER Workshops at GSA and AGU Design of materials supports individual adoption (Joy will tell you more)
Resources Modules Climate of Change Humans’ Dependence on Earth’s Mineral Resources Implementation Program Stanford Implementation Program Assessment Tool Concept Maps Hopefully you have more questions than you did at the beginning! Here are some great places to go for more information on specific concepts and approaches Still need to compile these and add here and to the website. Will just highlight a few key ones on this slide then refer them to the webinar site
After reflecting on this prompt for a moment, please use the ‘chat’ feature to write a few sentences. What kinds of opportunities do you either provide, or take advantage of, for training graduate students and/or post-docs in teaching? You are also welcome to ask other questions for discussion at this time.
Upcoming opportunities Next InTeGrate webinar: Teaching About Natural Hazards and Risks Wednesday, August 31 1:00 pm Pacific | 2:00 pm Mountain | 3:00 pm Central | 4:00 pm Eastern Registration deadline: Monday, August 29 Consider your department or course for NAGT’s Traveling Workshops Program Earth Educators’ Rendezvous 2017 in Albuquerque, New Mexico Join the InTeGrate Webinar Series Community Discussion Help us…help you… Webinar evaluation