North Elementary Building Goals 2012 2013 Mid-Year Review
Our 2012/2013 Building Goals 1. 95% of NE students will receive a passing score on the OCCT in reading and math. Academies have met fours days per week matching objectives and students based upon student assessment data. DIBELS, OCCT, Benchmark, STAR, and teacher made Pre / Post tests are used to group students. See sample. Third grade students on IEP’s for reading and math are using the “Buckle Down” materials as an OCCT test prep.
2. Reduce the number of students scoring below the DIBELS benchmark from fall to spring by 25%.
Current DIBELS Data Grade Level Fall # Below Intensive Winter # Below Int. Target # 25% less Kindergarten 49 (24) 41 (11) 37 First Grade 59 (35) 45 (24) 44 Second Grade 33 (16) 31 (18) 25 Third Grade* 37 (22) 21 (15) 16
3. Implementation of Common Core Reading curriculum Met with Central on November 9th to share strategies for implementing Common Core. Created curriculum mapping to fulfill requirements and imbed themes and content. *See samples
To Achieve and Maintain! North Elementary The structure is in place: To Achieve and Maintain!