Supplemental Feed Preferences of the White-tailed Deer Jake Jung, Undergraduate Student (Wildlife and Fisheries), Department of Biology, Tennessee Tech University, Cookeville, TN 38505
Project Summary Determine Supplemental Feed Preference of White-tailed Deer Hypothesis: Deer will use one feed choice over the others. Goals of Project: Discover the most preferred foods. Expected Results: A certain feed will be preferred most.
Introduction Determine the preference of supplemental feed for white-tailed deer. Deer that use supplemental feed during the winter can have reduced mortality (Baker and Hobbs 1975). Males use supplemental feed more than females (Bartoskewitz et al. 2003). Deer weigh more when supplementally fed (Ozoga and Verme 1982).
Objectives/Hypothesis Objective: Determine the feed preference of deer Hypothesis: Deer will use one feed choice over the others. Null Hypothesis: Deer will not show a feed preference
Methods and Materials Tube Feeding Method t-Test statistics Data form Experimental Design
Expected Results and Benefits Discover what feed is the most preferred Learn what is the best product to be used
Project Timeline
Yearly Budget Materials Cost Salary $30000 Corn 100 Supplemental Feed 1 Supplemental Feed 2 Feeders 150 Cameras 500 Misc. Materials Fuel 200 Total 31300