Exploring Computer Science Lesson 4-7 My Scratch Story Exploring Computer Science Lesson 4-7
Objectives Your Goal You are going to create a story in Scratch and present it to the class. You Scratch Program must have: 4 Scenes 3 Sprites 8 Say or Think Boxes At least one conversation An opening scene with your name. The students will be able to: Broadcast events. Develop a Scratch story project. Complete a Scratch story. Assess their peers to help them gauge their progress. Prepare and make a presentation of a Scratch story to the class.
Scratch Story Rubric Do you have? Points Possible Have a title scene with your name on it 10 Story initializes itself when the flag is clicked 5 The entire story plays once you click the flag The Presentation Explain an example from your program of how events (broadcast) were used to transition from one scene to another. Story Timelines Extra Credit Have the best project as voted on by peers Up to 10 TOTAL: 100 Do you have? Points Possible The Story Have at least 3 scenes 10 Have at least 4 scenes 5 Have at least 3 different sprites Have at least 8 say or think boxes Animate the movement of your characters or add appropriate sounds Use broadcast to change scenes in your story Have the characters take turns speaking to each other Have at least one conversation between characters
Journal Develop Your Story Brainstorm some ideas for your story. Review your story ideas with your group. Give your suggestions on how to make the story better. In your journals complete your story. What are the scenes? Who are in the scenes? What is the dialogue? Complete a “Scratch Story Timeline Worksheet” for each of your scenes.
When is this due? Today! You must have your Scratch program complete by the end of class on Wednesday February 15th/Thursday February 16th. This is a lot of work! You cannot wait until the last day. I expect to see progress every day. You should have the idea for your entire story. Are you going use the existing Sprites or find new ones? What will your stages be? I want to see your Timeline Worksheet for the first scene today.