‘All that Glisters’ What techniques does Anne Donovan use to make us feel sympathy for Clare?
Learning Objectives Today we are going to Revise our knowledge of the story – (We will know we have achieved this as we will have written a summary paragraph.) We will be effective contributors ( we will work and contribute in our groups) We will be successful learners ( we will have completed a sheet with new notes and will feel confident about explaining one aspect of Anne Donovan’s techniques)
Paired Task Together in your pair write down four sentences which summarise what happens in the story . Make sure you include * Character’s names * Four sentences only * Describe the plot 5 minutes
Group Task Group 1 – Characterisation – Mateusz, Alexander, Declan, Emma, Group 2 – Plot – Makkenzy, Thomas, Reece, Shabhaz Group 3 – Relationship with Father – Ryan, John, Liam, Sophie W Group 4 – Imagery and word choice – Steven, Callum, Kamran, Ross Group 5 – Narration, setting, Dialect– Alice, Michael, Charlie, Max Group 6 – Disassociation techniques – Warren, Sophie, Ella, Zander,
Group Work Using your story fill in your tables as a group Nominate a scribe (1) Find examples, (2) fill in supportive quotes, (3) explain in your own words ‘Why this makes us feel sorry for Clare?’ Everyone contribute 25 minutes Nominate a speaker who will give a brief summary of your work at the end of the time.
Narrative, setting, dialect Identify feature of Anne Donovan’s writing Evidence from story / Quote Explain why this adds to our understanding of the story First Person Narrative Scot’s Dialect Female protagonist Familiar Setting
How did we do? Did we complete a summary paragraph of the story? (SL) Did we work well and contribute well as a group? Did we complete the worksheet? Did we feed back to the class our progress our findings? Are our notes worthy or sharing with each other? Well done!