Peer editing the DBQ(16.66% of WHAP Test) Do Now: please read Understanding the Essay on Imperialism, understanding the Essay before peer editing. Please take out Do it hand-out from Friday’s class as well Another writer’s workshop Peer editing the DBQ(16.66% of WHAP Test) Impact of technology during the Age of imperialism
Strengths Weaknesses most of you wrote feverishly the Whole period, some of you asked good Questions, all of you addressed the thesis, Most of you identified POV and additional Documents Many of you analyzed the documents persuasively to support the thesis (rather than summarize) Some of you used the checklist and rubric A few of you used the “Just Do IT” hand-out You understood the basic meaning of the docs Most of you addressed the additional document in your thesis(now you know why) Many of you ran out of time, Many of you did not appropriately cite The documents, some of your hand-writing Was not legible, historical context and global context was lacking In some. Some multiply cited docs (ex, doc,1,3,4 and7 which makes it difficult to POV and analyze) Many of you wrote the letters POV (no need just address purpose and audience) Many of you used personal pronouns (me, we, us) that’s a no no!!!! Many of you multiple use of docs (doc,3,7,9) prevented you from analyzing them appropriately losing valuable points.
Step 1 Read the overview of docs (did you get the meanings right?) What are the POV’s? Look at the dates. Sources, events, people. Is there a narrative? Look at the grouping possibilities on the back. Look at the thesis (possibility) Look at possible additional documents.
Step 2 Read over the scoring rubric first: Start with basic core and point values Thesis 1 point All documents (don’t have to specifically cite) 1 point Meaning/analysis/context 1 or 2 points Point of view 1 point Grouping (3 ways) 1 point Additional documents and why 1 point all this get you 7 points
Now before you read and review: The majority of you were able to fulfill the basic core criteria As I read, many were not works of art but met the needs of the rubric (which is what you want) Remember, this is graded as a rough draft. Your task was formidable and you handled it exceptionally well so don’t be overwhelmingly hard on yourself or others. Now…
Step 3 The expanded core and what gets you those additional 2 points Generally it is the ability of the author to provide a narrative (what story do these documents tell?) Friday’s documents told the story of the impact of technology of “Western” imperialism and its effects focusing on hurtful and/or helpful. Historical context provides important framework for the narrative. Mentioning scientific revolution, capitalism, enlightenment, White Man’s Burden, exploitation of land, labor and capital, progress as an evolutionary development, industrialism as a driving force. Global Context also provide a much broader framework to put the POV and bias into perspective. Permits the reader to see how scientific and industrial developments, royal societies, corporations, shipping manifolds, competitive international agreements, skirmishes, capitulation of local collaborators.
Step 4 Grading Find the specific components and use the checklist Please write strong areas with positive language (that’s awesome, you slayed it, this is lit because…) Also write areas which may be improved for a 24 hour rewrite (ex. You just need to add some documents, there’s only 3 POV, context would really strengthen this thesis). Once all basic core points are there, see if expanded core applies If not all basic core exist, you cannot go on to the expanded core Look on the back of the checklist and tally up the score and evaluate what numeric value applies( ex 7=85)
Step 5 Keep things positive as the person you are grading, is grading you!!!!! Consolidate these intellectual commodities and begin looking at documents on opinions on new imperialism Any questions? How can you improve your DBQ skills in 74 days?