How do these view differ on flag burning?
Should Burning the American Flag be Legal?
What reasonable consequences might one face for their expression
Freedom of Expression Types of Expression: Pure speech: spoken word, verbal expression Symbolic speech: expressive action Seditious Speech: challenges authority Defamatory speech: false speech Slander: spoken Libel: written Obscenity: offensive speech Commercial Speech Political Speech
Landmark Cases
Is it reasonable to expect privacy on social networking sites?
Should allowing access to your Facebook account be a condition of employment?
Right to Privacy? Katz Constitutional Right? Not Enumerated: 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 9th Amendment Griswold and Roe Katz 4th protects people not places Dissent: 4th refers to tangible items
Cases Olmstead v. US (1929) Eavesdropping in public area Katz v. U.S. (1967) Expectation of privacy in public (people not places) Griswold v. Conn. (1965) Use of contraception (consenting adults in the home) Roe v. Wade (1973) Right to abortion protected Ouinlan (1976) & Cruzan (1990) cases Right to refuse treatment, must have “clear and convincing evidence” it was their wish Washington v. Glucksburg (1997) No right to suicide Lawrence v. Texas (2003) Sodomy laws unconstitutional (consenting adults in the home) Gonzales v. Oregon (2006) Legality of physician assisted suicide left to states