Living Things Scoil Chiarain Naofa
Seaweed (Plant) Frond (look like the branches of the seaweed) Air Bladders (look like bubbles on the frond of the seaweed. Some seaweeds have them to help the fronds float when the seaweed is under water Mid-rib ( a line down the centre of the frond) Holdfast (like the roots of the seaweed, which it uses to hold onto the rocks)
Different types of Seaweed Egg Wrack Channel Wrack Dulse Bladder Wrack Gutweed Saw Wrack
Jellyfish (Animal) Hood (the body of the jellyfish were its mouth is) Tentacles ( where jellyfish have their stings)
Different Types of Jellyfish Compass / Moon Jellyfish Compass Jellyfish
Crabs (Animal) eyes Claws Legs Shell or Exoskeleton (skeleton on the outside of its body)
Different Types of Crab Shore Crab Porcelain Crab Edible Crab Hermit Crab Velvet Swimming Crab
Fish (Animal) Fins (what a fish uses for changing direction in the water) Eyes Tail ( what the fish uses for moving in the water) Mouth Scales (found on the outside of the fish)
Different Types of Fish Goby Butterfish Blenny 5- Bearded Rockling
Can you match the name to the picture Well done everyone. Regards Ms Can you match the name to the picture Well done everyone! Regards Ms. O’ Sullivan Animal with Claws Animal with Fins A Plant with a Frond Animal with Tentacles