APES 2017 Advancing economic statistics for the Sustainable Development Goals 22-25 May 2015 Assalamualaikum and a very good afternoon to all the statisticians, mathematicians, participant and colleagues I will be presenting the modernisation in capital
BACKGROUND APES 2017 TASK FORCE Fazrul Azlan Othman (Lead) Aycan Ozek Rajesh Kumar Sharma Jeff Cope Adi Lumaksono Session Organizers Fazrul Azlan Othman Jan Byfuglien Jonathon Khoo Rajesh Kumar Margarita Guerrero Benchmark ratio method The Presentation outline are as follow We will start with brief introduction of the capital stock compilation in Malaysia The concept use, the modernisation in the compilation Challenges and critical succes factor And the conclusion at the end of this presentation
APES 2017 : VALUATION 55 forms collected SESSION YES NO/BLANK 1 69% 31% 2 76% 24% 3 4 64% 36% 5 75% 25% 6 77% 23% 7 89% 11% 8 80% 20% Capital stocks statistics in Malaysia was compiled in the collaboration between Department of Statistics, Malaysia (DOSM) and Economic Planning Unit with technical consultation from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The compilation was prepared based on Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Manual 2009, Measuring Capital and the framework of System of National Accounts 2008 as recommended by the United Nations. The purpose of this paper is to document the modernisation effort taken by DOSM to overcome challenges in compiling and producing the capital stock statistics. The organisation of the paper is as follow. The first part is the brief history of the compilation in Malaysia. Section A comprises of all the concepts and methodology used in this paper. Section B describes the modernisation phases of the compilation and the development of the myCapstock system. Section C will focus on the challenges and way forward. The concluding remarks are at the end of the paper.
APES 2017 : SUGGESTIONS The seminar was very useful for most of the participants, they learned useful knowledge from several papers and the other experts’ comments/suggestions. This seminar is a platform for practitioners and other experts to share their knowledge and exchange ideas and experiences with producing and disseminating quality economic statistics. Papers may be considered for UNESCAP working paper series and the authors can be consulted. Encourage more participants via official requests so as to strengthen the capacity of many researches (parallel sessions may be conducted). To invite the chief of national statistics offices on voluntary basis.
APES 2017 : SUGGESTED TOPICS Short term indicators Unorganized/informal sector SBR database and administrative data linkages ICT statistics, broadening official statistics using ICT like the internet-based surveys, electronic census can be introduced for future events Disaster statistics Statistics on risk factors of economic growth Environment and natural resources being big area, may be bifurcated in two sub-sessions; Methodology and results of different types of natural resources in accounts (material flow, physical and monetary) Supply and Use Tables Thematic sessions on SBR where one country would present the status of their SBR or the experience of building the SBR and then allow the participants to interact on one country’s presentation each time. How big data can be recognized as official statistics incorporating it within the country’s existing legal and institutional framework
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