GCRC Informatics Project April 7, 2005 11th Spring Presentation Sponsor: Dr. Paul Harris, GCRC Informatics Director Members: Chris Heath, BME/EE Adam Nagel, CompE Chris Nash, EE Brendan Soar, CompE
Progress Resolved PHP-based submission issue last week Worked on implementing storage system for failed uploads
Web-based PHP submission VI is now functional VI submits measurements and comments, and receives error code for confirmation or debugging Headers for Medical Center server were improperly parsed on PDA Stripping out header/content parsing process and adding a parser downstream fixed the issue Submission VI incorporated into main program, uploads acquired data and receives proper error code
File Reading Problems In case of wireless network failure, failed uploads save to a separate file When implemented with ASCII files, unexplained memory errors occurred Switched to binary files, using groupings of variables called “bundles” Currently having difficulty troubleshooting our initial implementation
Goals for Next Week Work on implementation of failed upload management component Begin to outline field test procedure Begin developing final documentation for project