Oliver Twist is the second novel by the English author Charles Dickens, written in 1838. The story is about an orphan who manages to survive under harsh living conditions during the Victorian Era.
Dickens is giving an emphasis to the facts of his period in his novel Dickens is giving an emphasis to the facts of his period in his novel. In the book is revealed the dramatic daily life of many children in London, which developed international consequences in what is known as "The Great London Homeless Crisis" during the Victorian Era.
In addition Dickens mocks the hypocrisies of his time by surrounding the novel's serious themes with sarcasm and dark humour. The novel may have been inspired by the story of Robert Blincoe, an orphan who was a child worker in a workhouse. It is likely that Dickens' own early youth as a child worker played important role to the story's development.
Oliver Twist has been the subject of numerous films and television adaptations, and is the basis for a highly successful musical play, and the multiple Academy Award winning 1968 motion picture made from it.
Source:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Oliver_Twist Irene & Bill Thanks a lot!!!