Homelessness Policy Context What are the key issues facing the sector? www.homeless.org.uk Let’s end homelessness together
Homeless Link Who we are The national membership charity for organisations working with people who experience homelessness in England. We work to make services better and campaign for policy change that will help end homelessness. www.homeless.org.uk Let’s end homelessness together
Current context Rising numbers, increasing demand www.homeless.org.uk Chart 1: rough sleeping in England Source: DCLG www.homeless.org.uk Let’s end homelessness together
Statutory homelessness Applications and acceptances In Q1 2016, compared to the same period the previous year: More people applying as homeless (up 5%) West Midlands third highest number of applications after London and the South East 31% become homeless due to end of their AST More households in temporary accommodation (up 11%) More households in B&Bs (up 13%) Source: DCLG www.homeless.org.uk Let’s end homelessness together
The homelessness sector What is available? 2010 1,461 projects 2015 1,185 projects down19% Projects 2010 43,655 spaces 2015 35,727 spaces Bed spaces down18% 2010 187 centres 2015 214 centres Day centres up 14% Source: HEng www.homeless.org.uk Let’s end homelessness together
32% mental health problems Who is homeless? Clients in accommodation projects 72% male 45% under-25 23% offending history 16% ex-rough sleepers 32% mental health problems 31% drug issues 23% alcohol issues Client profile has remained fairly consistent over the years Source: Annual review 2016 www.homeless.org.uk Let’s end homelessness together
What are the critical issues today? National policy context Spending Review: £139m to help those at risk of homelessness and rough sleepers over next four years Homelessness prevention grant protected BUT no ring fence. Local investment? In 2015, 47% of services reported a reduction in their funding compared to the previous year. The average decrease was 19%. www.homeless.org.uk Let’s end homelessness together
What are the critical issues today? Welfare Changes Risks to financial viability of supported accommodation Reduction of social rents by 1% Cap on the amount of rent that Housing Benefit will cover in the social sector to Local Housing Allowance. Rental income would reduce by half Most services say they’ll be forced to close An alternative system and long term strategy needed www.homeless.org.uk Let’s end homelessness together
Access to housing Affordability and access In 2015, 30% of clients were ready to move on but couldn’t, up 5% on 2015 While regional variation, lack of affordable accommodation was the main barrier. Quality and suitability also key. Will the Housing Bill make a difference? Some measures to address conditions and rogue landlords in the PRS New measures of ‘affordability’ out of reach of our client group Low cost homes still in chronically short supply www.homeless.org.uk Let’s end homelessness together
Looking beyond housing Health & employment key parts of the picture ‘For work to really help me out of homelessness, I need a living wage’ ‘We need a better work ready programme for people who become homeless’ 80% people experiencing homelessness report an issue related to their mental health 44% report a long term physical health problem www.homeless.org.uk Let’s end homelessness together
On the horizon What might make a difference? Prevention, prevention, prevention: in practice and potential legislation? Making what’s there work better, and developing new models and approaches A renewed focus on partnership (and with the unusual suspects) www.homeless.org.uk Let’s end homelessness together
Questions? Please check latest news and briefings on www.homeless.org.uk For regional and local breakdowns of homelessness data visit http://www.homeless.org.uk/facts/homelessness-in-numbers www.homeless.org.uk Let’s end homelessness together