A Stochastic Model for TCP with Stationary Random Losses Jiang Wu
Outline Introduction The models Performance analysis Conclusion TCP Congestion Control Packet loss pattern The models TCP transmission rate evolution A general model for packet losses Performance analysis Throughput calculation Result to particular loss processes Conclusion
Transmission rate X(t) TCP TCP congestion control An additive-increase multiplicative-decrease strategy for congestion control in the Internet Packet losses for congestion detection Packet losses Transmission rate X(t) Time t
Inter-loss time in LAN
Inter-loss time in MAN
Inter-loss time in WAN
Some correlation coefficients
The model for losses Consider the loss events as a point process Denote by the times between losses Notation: Average inter-loss time: Correlation functions: Covariance functions: Normalized functions: Sn-1 Sn Sn+1 Time t
TCP Model
Throughput and Loss Rate
Result to Particular Loss Process Deterministic losses: (square root formula) Poisson loss process: General renewal process:
Limitation RTT is not a constant TCP model is simplified
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