Knowledge management projects How can we meet the success ? Analyses and suggestions regarding the heavy industry. Soutenance de thèse 14 octobre 2010.


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Knowledge management projects How can we meet the success ? Analyses and suggestions regarding the heavy industry. Soutenance de thèse 14 octobre 2010 à lEI CESI de Lyon par Christophe BUTY École dIngénieur du Centre des Études Supérieures Industrielles de Lyon, 19 avenue Guy de Collonges, 69130, Ecully dans le cadre du Mastère Spécialisé Management Par Projets (MSMPP) Directeur de thèse professionnelle : Nicolas BARISONE

Agenda Saint-Gobain Glass, Eurofloat MKT2 project management Introduction to problematic Bibliographical review What is the KM ? Heavy Industry analyses / Knowledge management project analyse MCI10 MCI10 set for Eurofloat Conclusion 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY

Saint-Gobain 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY Established in 1665 Merged in 1970 with PAM

Saint-Gobain 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY Established in 1665 Merged in 1970 with PAM Four Business Units

Saint-Gobain Glass & Eurofloat 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY Flat glass Coater glass Coloured glass Tinted glass Laminated glass Pattern glass Eurofloat

Agenda Saint-Gobain Glass, Eurofloat MKT2 Project management Introduction to problematic Bibliographical review What is the KM ? Heavy Industry analyses / Knowledge management project analyse MCI10 MCI10 set for Eurofloat Conclusion 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY

MKT2 for float line Teach, Learn o Production equipment o Technical doings o Operations theory Capitalize: o Specific production issues on line o Reflexes to own Share: o A 300 years old know-how o A complex and specific know-how 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY Manufacturing Know-how Transfer Training

MKT2 Project management Managing the program with regards with specific needs, known project management methodologies Organizing the content development, understand, analyse and improve the way to produce best practices, the whole regarding the right pedagogy. Carry out the targeted communication Hiring trainees, train and coach them Managing the MKT2 project team across different departments Maintaining the IT knowledge management system, performing its migration to new versions Successfully modifying pedagogy scheme concerning the local special needs Ensuring the shop floor involvement for the change management 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY

Agenda Saint-Gobain Glass, Eurofloat MKT2 project management Introduction to problematic Bibliographical review What is the KM ? Heavy Industry analyses / Knowledge management project analyse MCI10 MCI10 set for Eurofloat Conclusion 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY

Introduction I had experience mainly in manufacturing background Why MKT2 is not used on the plant? To where can we push further? Bearing in mind knowledge management is far more interesting for a plant than e-learning Consequently, MKT2 can be improve at least in a content manner Knowledge management in manufacturing background is not heavily discussed by literature Initially change management is not performed at all, operation shifts and shop floor is not committed with the program My post-engineering degree in project management could be a key idea to grow the way to manage MKT2 Knowledge management is a competitive advantage and allow us to learn a lot from issues, from people, from common knowledge in a plant 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY

Problematic Knowledge management and manufacturing background? How to understand and carry out users involvement issues How to manage a knowledge management program and moreover, regarding its specifications? What links can we set up between the manufacturing organisation and the existing communication aids? Nowadays, knowledge management technologies are wrong: it is possible at least to manage content but surely not motivating knowledge developers to share their own knowledge[1] [1] The chief officers dilemma, Innovation creators, /10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY

Agenda Saint-Gobain Glass, Eurofloat MKT2 project management Introduction to problematic Bibliographical review What is the KM ? Heavy Industry analyses / Knowledge management project analyse MCI10 MCI10 set for Eurofloat Conclusion 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY

Bibliographical review 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY Ardouin T., Ingénierie de formation pour lentreprise,2003, 2006 COMPREH ENSION AFITEP, Le management de projets, Principes et Pratiques, AFNOR, 2000, 2ème éd TECHNIQ UES Ballay JF., Tous managers du savoir : la seule ressource qui prend de la valeur en la partageant, 2002 Dieng-Kuntz R., Corby O., Gandon F., Méthodes et outils pour la gestion des connaissances : une approche pluridisciplinaire du knowledge management, 2001 DIribarne P., La logique de lhonneur, Gestion des entreprises et traditions nationales, Le Seuil, 1989 Durand R., Guide du management stratégique : 99 concepts clés, 2003 Roulleaux-Dugage, M., Lorganisation 2.0, développer la collaboration en réseau dans lentreprise Eyrolles, Editions dorganisaiton.,2007 Prax JY.,Le manuel du knowledge management: mettre en réseau les hommes et les savoirs pour créer de la valeur, 2007 et 2003 Rosinski P., traduit de l'anglais par Brun S., Le coaching interculturel : comment favoriser un succès durable grâce aux différences : organisations, métiers, nationalités,2009 PMI, A guide to the project management body of Knowledge-4th Edition (GUIDE PMBOK)-ANSI- PMI Global Standard, 2008 Zara O., Le management de lintelligence collective, 2008,2ème éd. Veybel L, Prieur P.; préf. Bousquié B., Le knowledge management dans tous ses états : la gestion des connaissances au service de la performance, 2003 William H.,Rice IV., traduction Blondeel S., révision technique Jean-Yves Jeannas, Le guide du e-learning avec Moodle : version 1.9, 2008

Agenda Saint-Gobain Glass, Eurofloat MKT2 Project management Introduction to problematic Bibliographical review What is KM? Heavy Industry analyses / Knowledge management project analyse MCI10 MCI10 set for Eurofloat Conclusion 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY

What is the KM ? Differences between data, information, and semantic attached information Knowledge tacit vs explicit Knowledge o Know Skill o Know-how Common memory (i.e. in a plant) « Managing, through the organisation, knowledge and skills of the plant for a common share and enrichment » 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY

What is the KM ? 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY Please contact me if you want to use this slide Ive created:

What is the KM ? Capitalising o Experience feedback o Data Management System o Best practices o Formalising (field of influence, address book, main facts, traps to avoid, social & professional networks, customers) o Teaching stories Socialising o Share, network, 2.0 internet, new generations, new ideas o Personal knowledge management o Made everybody know o Sharing activities depend on the decision making level of the organization o Ability and motivation to share ones knowledge, ones time and ones stress o Up sized model company (including suppliers, customers, practice and interest communities, project teams) Transferring o Reproductive learning o Creative learning o E-Learning o Regarding the targeted public Renewing o Innovate, create, reuse, divert ideas o Adaptation o Collaboration o Training o Creativity o knowing ones environment o Face mistakes o Promote the change capabilities of employees 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY

What is the KM ? 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY Please contact me if you want to use this slide Ive created:

What is the KM ? 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY Please contact me if you want to use this slide Ive created:

What is the KM ? 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY Please contact me if you want to use this slide Ive created:

What is the KM ? 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY Please contact me if you want to use this slide Ive created:

What is the KM ? 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY Please contact me if you want to use this slide Ive created:

What is the KM ? 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY Please contact me if you want to use this slide Ive created:

What is the KM ? Tools: IT, portals… Projects origins: o Intern initiative or o Top-down will from the general management Projects parameters o Vision o Management and organisational changes o IT systems Need to split in small different projects Four great project types Different kinds of projects Steps o Diagnostic and analyze of KM needs/existing o Developed design o Deployment 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY

What is the KM ? 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY Please contact me if you want to use this slide Ive created:

What is the KM ? 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY Please contact me if you want to use this slide Ive created:

Agenda Saint-Gobain Glass, Eurofloat MKT2 Project management Introduction to problematic Bibliographical review What is KM? Heavy Industry analyses / Knowledge management project analyse MCI10 MCI10 set for Eurofloat Conclusion 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY

Heavy industry analyses Heavy industry: raw materials transformation o Linked with raw material costs, shipping delays and its production quality o Long-range profitability o Hard competition environment o Business markets more local than global o Very complex technical production, qualifications are essential KM program is most of the time managed technically by the IT department and strategically by Human Ressources department: gap between those two. Key point: production department needs to be committed in the program Share information and knowledge needed for work and maintenance departments Creation of a knowledge directory 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY

Heavy industry analyses 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY Please contact me if you want to use this slide Ive created:

Heavy industry analyses Capitalise production jobs doings Making durable and improve production skills Optimize production, avoiding mistakes Create experts networks, make durable and keeping knowledge Benefits for heavy industry unclear, adaptation / insertion to a plant not really easy Not enough time, other priorities, production remains THE first priority A great respect of hierarchy, people do not have initiatives Not so many project management knowledge, consequently, the way to manage such a program is still groping More of the half of industries does not have done any knowledge management 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY

Heavy industry analyses 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY Please contact me if you want to use this slide Ive created:

Heavy industry analyses 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY Please contact me if you want to use this slide Ive created:

Heavy industry analyses 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY Please contact me if you want to use this slide Ive created:

Heavy industry analyses 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY Please contact me if you want to use this slide Ive created:

Heavy industry analyses 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY Please contact me if you want to use this slide Ive created:

Agenda Saint-Gobain Glass, Eurofloat MKT2 project management Introduction to problematic Bibliographical review What is the KM ? Heavy Industry analyses / Knowledge management project analyse MCI10 MCI10 set for Eurofloat Conclusion 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY

MCI10 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY Knowledge and Skills management for the heavy industry I wish it is as applicable as possible to all manufacturers o Complex analyses o Detailed, accurate o Change management o KM and project methodologies from an implementation project to a long term KM program

MCI10 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY Knowledge management fields Knowledge management objectives For further information, please contact me

MCI10 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY For further information, please contact me

MCI10 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY For further information, please contact me

MCI10 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY For further information, please contact me

MCI10 : KM program management 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY Bureau de projet Objectifs an IObjectifs an II Projet an I Ressources Budget Contenu Comité de pilotage Chef de programmeAnimateur(s) Comité de changement Stratégie groupe Programme Vision Objectifs Indicateurs clefs Comité de direction Equipe dirigeanteEquipes sur site -> Mutualisation des risques -> Décentralisation des décisions For further information, please contact me

Agenda Saint-Gobain Glass, Eurofloat MKT2 project management Introduction to problematic Bibliographical review What is the KM ? Heavy Industry analyses / Knowledge management project analyse MCI10 MCI10 set for Eurofloat Conclusion 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY

MCI10: people oriented project 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY For further information, please contact me

MCI10: portal 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY For further information, please contact me

MCI10 Global management 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY For further information, please contact me

Agenda Saint-Gobain Glass, Eurofloat MKT2 project management Introduction to problematic Bibliographical review What is the KM ? Heavy Industry analyses / Knowledge management project analyse MCI10 MCI10 set for Eurofloat Conclusion 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY

Conclusion 14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY For further information, please contact me

14/10/2010, EI CESI, La gestion des projets KM, C.BUTY Merci