Terrain Preprocessing (Arc Hydro) Surface Analysis (Spatial Analyst)
Terrain Analysis (TauDEM) Terrain Preprocessing (Arc Hydro)
Problems Fire Snowmelt Large Rainstorms
Roads Sediment is the number one pollutant in U.S. waterways.
Roads in Farmington Canyon
Past Debris Flows Sources: Http:// Http:/
PSIAC Method Pacific Southwest Inter Agency Committee (1968) Annual Yield = .0833 e ^ (.0359 * FR) FR = Sediment Rating Factor = sum of (9) different factors.
Ys=a*[Q*qp]β*K*LS*CP*S MUSLE Equation Ys=a*[Q*qp]β*K*LS*CP*S
Ys – Total Tons per Event Q – Storm Runoff (acre-ft) qp – peak runoff (cfs)
a,β – storm factors Typical Rain Storm a=95 β=.56 Snow Melt Flood β=.3
K – Soil Erodibility Factor LS – Slope Factor (length and steepness) CP – Cover and Management Practice Factor SDR – Sediment Delivery Ratio
gs=a[Q*qp]^b*K*LS*CP*SDR Q = Storm Runoff (acre-ft) qp= Peak runoff (cfs) a = 95 b= .56
Q=CIA Q=Runoff C=Runoff Coefficient I=Intensity of rainfall (assume 1 in/hr) A=Area of Catchment
q= Accumulation of Catchment Accumulation of Basin * Peak Flow
Accumulation of Each Catchment
Peak Flow For Farmington Canyon
K Factor
K Factor K factor is soil erodibility factor which represents both susceptibility of soil to erosion and the rate of runoff, as measured under the standard unit plot condition. Soils high in clay have low K values, about 0.05 to 0.15, because they resistant to detachment. Coarse textured soils, such as sandy soils, have low K values, about 0.05 to 0.2, because of low runoff even though these soils are easily detached. Medium textured soils, such as the silt loam soils, have a moderate K values, about 0.25 to 0.4, because they are moderately susceptible to detachment and they produce moderate runoff. Soils having a high silt content are most erodible of all soils. They are easily detached; tend to crust and produce high rates of runoff. Values of K for these soils tend to be greater than 0.4.
SSURGO No Data Found
STATSGO No Data Found
Soil Distribution
Soil Distribution (cont.)
Soil Distribution (cont.)
Soil Distribution (cont.)
Calculated K Factor Sample # 1 2 3 4 5 K(chart) 0.08 0.09 Sample # 6 7 %<.1 0.9 0.4 0.6 0.7 .1>%>2 59.4 62.1 44.2 41.4 60.3 %OM Structure Permeability K(chart) 0.08 0.09 Sample # 6 7 8 9 10 %<.1 0.7 1.0 2.4 0.9 .1>%>2 51.1 41.5 63.2 53.2 94.6 %OM 4 2 Structure 3 Permeability K(chart) .08 0.09 0.08 0.15 0.06 Sample # 11 12 13 14 15 %<.1 1.1 0.8 0.6 1.3 0.9 .1>%>2 76.7 77.0 65.1 60.6 26.2 %OM 4 Structure 3 Permeability 2 K(chart) 0.07 0.08
The Value of Cp Land Cover Classes - Units in Square Miles 11 Water 12 Perennial Ice Snow 21 Low Intensity Residential 22 Hi Intensity Residential 23 Commercial/Industrial/Transportation 31 Bare Rock 32 Quarries/ Mines 33 Transitional 41 Deciduous Forest 42 Evergreen Forest 43 Mixed Forest 51 Shrub land 61 Orchards/ Vineyard 71 Grasslands/Herbaceous 81 Pasture/Hay 82 Row Crops 83 Small Grains 84 Fallow 85 Urban/Recreational Grasses 91 Woody Wetlands 92 Emergent/Herbaceous Wetlands State/Region Total Spatial Analyst (reclassify)
Spatial Annalist (Zonal Statistics) Exporting the Data Land Cover Classes - Units in Square Miles 11 Water 12 Perennial Ice Snow 21 Low Intensity Residential 22 Hi Intensity Residential 23 Commercial/Industrial/Transportation 31 Bare Rock 32 Quarries/ Mines 33 Transitional 41 Deciduous Forest 42 Evergreen Forest 43 Mixed Forest 51 Shrub land 61 Orchards/ Vineyard 71 Grasslands/Herbaceous 81 Pasture/Hay 82 Row Crops 83 Small Grains 84 Fallow 85 Urban/Recreational Grasses 91 Woody Wetlands 92 Emergent/Herbaceous Wetlands State/Region Total
Sample of Excel Data GRIDID SHAPE_LENG SHAPE_AREA Area (acres) MAJORITY Type of land cover Cp Value 17 8669.994368 2187672.4 540.583454 51 Shrubland 0.06 18 8849.996172 1827676.07 451.6267805 34 5400.002074 794251.8245 196.2631126 35 6239.987362 962325.7698 237.7949223 36 4679.994859 562951.7855 139.1078576 39 4439.986671 395773.3481 97.79733175 40 3269.992293 411073.2211 101.5779975 41 5010.021296 605251.029 149.5601863 42 Evergreen Forest 0.004 43 2280.017067 171898.8484 42.47696007 44 6960.011926 928349.7853 229.3993074 21 Low Intensity Residential 0.24 45 5849.989236 488700.6879 120.7600854 Mixed Forest 47 2189.998817 88197.95131 21.79410096 49 5969.984656 857024.57 211.7745336
Canyon Vegetation
Wattles and sediment diversion and filtration techniques
Vegetation in Farmington Canyon
Catchment GridID
Cross Section Found Using 3-D Analyst
Accounts for length and Steepness of the Slopes LS Factor Accounts for length and Steepness of the Slopes
Slope of Watershed
Mean Slope of Catchments Using zonal Statistics
LS Factor LS=(l/72.6)m((430sin2θ+30sinθ+0.43)/6.613)) Where m =.5 Slope >5% l = slope length (ft) θ = slope Angle Degree
LS Factor Maximum = 185.7 Mean = 94.8 Minimum = 13.7 St. Deviation= 39.8
SDR Factor Sediment Delivery Ratio For low slope watersheds SDR=(0.001/A)0.2 Farmington Canyon is not low Slope Assumed to be 1 because all the sediment is removed from the canyon.
Assumptions for MUSLE SDR is Equal to 1 Rainfall Event 1inch rainstorm over a 6-hr period. q=1.5Q Snowmelt Flood Used Peak Flow from Flood of 1983
Assumptions Continued Collected K values represented entire watershed. LP was based on average slope that was uniform. The majority land cover represented the CP value for entire catchment.
Example Spreadsheet for MUSLE Calculation Snowmelt Flood Rainfall Event LS K CP Q q Total Sediment (acre-ft) (cfs) (tons/event) 124.5 0.09 0.06 46.06 15.23 576.19 13.51 40.88 2192.95 74.3 38.48 12.72 308.68 11.29 34.15 1069.99 143.5 0.08 16.72 5.53 321.25 4.91 14.84 722.01
Rain Event Yield
Snowmelt Flood Yield
Final Numbers Sediment yield for Snowmelt Flood 10373 tons Sediment yield for 1-inch rainstorm over 6 hour interval 8539 tons