Dr. Sukhwinder Singh Cheema Aims and Objectives of Economics at secondary Level in light of NCF’2005 Dr. Sukhwinder Singh Cheema
Life takes on meaning when you becomes Motivated, set goals and chase after them in an unstoppable manner
Aims and Objective of Economics Aims are long term goal, we remain always active to achieve them. According to JOHN DEWEY, “An aim is a foreseen end which gives direction to a certain activity or motivates human behaviour.” Wesely said, “ The star is useful though the mariner never reaches it.” Prof. Pigou in his book, “The Economics of welfare” said , “ Aims of Economics are Acquisition of knowledge and solution of the practical problems of life.”
Marshall, “The aim of teaching Economics is to gain Knowledge, for its own sake and to obtain guidance in the practical Conduct of life and Especially social Life.” A.C. Binning & D.H.Binning in their Book , ‘Teaching of Social Studies in Secondary Schools’ listed following Aims of Economics:- Teach modern economics Principles by observation and through understanding of current practices Enable them to apply Economic theory to everyday life. Clear insight of pupil about social and economic environment
O. Lipstreau in his book , “Experts look at consumer ‘ Education in secondary schools” has laid following aims :- Wise consumership Rational choice Intelligent citizenship Agencies and information against consumer exploitation
O. Lipstreau in his book , “Experts look at consumer ‘ Education in secondary schools” has laid following aims :- Broad social intelligence about social problem Develop high standard of value and taste Cultivate role of consumer Promote co-operative attitude
O. Lipstreau in his book , “Experts look at consumer ‘ Education in secondary schools” has laid following aims :- Understanding about significance of public expenditure Avocational interest Logic power
Aims of Economics for India:- To develop reasoning power and Critical judgment Training in independence Study Formation of habits and skills: Wesley, “any worth while economics programme is designed to enable the students to gain certain basic understanding , acquire necessary skills and develop attitude that are effective citizenship in a democratic society.” To develop sense of inter dependence
To develop Right attitude To develop Democratic outlook To foster National Feeling To promote International Understanding
Solution of social and economic problem To develop Capacity to Understand the Complexity of Economic Structure To develop Economic Consciousness
To Eliminate poverty Efficient Use of Money Develop Good Producers
Meaning of Objective Objectives are short term ends which we have to fulfill in near future or in specific time period Wesely and wronski says, “the function of the objectives is to point out the ways, to indicate ideal and to present challenge.” C.V.Good, “Objective is a standard or Goal to be Achieved by the pupil when the work in the school activities is completed.”
Objectives Related to knowledge and Understanding Language of Economics In terms of definition Various Concepts as demand , supply, exchange , Unemployment etc. Economic Ideas in terms of facts, figures, principles and Relationship Interrelationship among Different Topics The basics Nature Of subject Economics Different Types Of Economics as Micro, Macro, Welfare, Development Etc.
Objectives related to Skills Skill to understand and use of Economic Laws Development of Technique of problem solving To think rationally , to draw inferences and generalize Ability to use mathematical formulas skillfully. Reading and interpretation of graph Skill of Survey
Objective related to Application To solve the problem of budgeting independently To develop the ability to use knowledge of economics in learning of other subject Proper use of economic language
Objective related to Application Think and express precisely To correlate the different facts To make prediction on the basis of Situations
Objective related to Application To develop the habit of systematic thinking and reasoning To creativity To draw conclusions
The objectives of teaching the Economics at the secondary stage in the Light of NCF 2005 To develop among the learner analytical and conceptual skills Understand the processes of economic and social change and development with examples from modern and contemporary India and other parts of the world. Critically examine social and economic issues and challenges like poverty, child labour, destitution, illiteracy, and various other dimensions of inequality.
The objectives of teaching the Economics at the secondary stage in the Light of NCF 2005 understand the rights and responsibilities of citizens in a democratic and secular society. understand the roles and responsibilities of the state in the fulfilment of constitutional obligations. understand the processes of change and development in India in relation to the world economy and polity. appreciate the rights of local communities in relation to their environment, the judicious utilisation of resources, as well as the need for the conservation of the natural environment.
The main focus will be on contemporary India and the learner will be initiated into a deeper understanding of the social and economic challenges facing the nation. As the discipline of Economics is being introduced to the child at this level and it is important that the topics discussed should be from the perspective of the masses. For example, the discussion of poverty and unemployment should no longer be undertaken in terms of statistics, but instead should derive from an understanding of the elitist functioning of many economic institutions and the inequality sustained by economic relations.