The Aims of Scouting
What do you do? What percentage of the Scouting Program is focused on: Leadership Development? Advancement? Uniforming? Outdoors? The Ideals of Scouting? In the eyes of the BSA, they are all equal Along with Adult Association, Personal Growth, and the Patrol Method
The Aims of Scouting What are the Aims of Scouting? Character Development Citizenship Training Personal Fitness
Character Development Character can be defined as the collection of core values by an individual that leads to moral commitment and action, and encompasses a boy’s personal qualities, values, and outlook.
Citizenship Training A second aim is participating citizenship. Used broadly, citizenship means the boy’s relationship to others. He comes to learn of his obligations to other people, to the society he lives in, and to the government that presides over that society.
Personal Fitness A third aim of Boy Scouting is development of physical, mental, and emotional fitness. Fitness includes the body (well-tuned and healthy), the mind (able to think and solve problems), and the emotions (selfcontrol, courage, and self-respect).
Matching Outdoors Leadership Development Uniforming Adult Association Patrol Method Advancement Personal Growth Ideals Citizenship Character Fitness
This is the Point! This is why we do this! Shown that after 5 years participants have long-term internalization of the Scouting Ideals
The Tufts Study
So… How can a unit work toward achieving the AIMS of Scouting? What importance does your unit place on striving toward achieving those aims? Units (especially around here) tend toward the measurable: Advancement Outdoors