Developing Networking & Marketing skills Let’s Get Started…
Point :
How did they started there career – Marketing & Networking ??
CA = Number & Act Medicine Thoughts : When reviewing your marketing strategies ask yourself, or your marketing department, these questions: Are your products/ services distinguishable from your competitor’s? Are you following your marketing plan? Do you have one? Are you getting a regular stream of new customers? Are customer’s complaints being responded to? Do you have a business website? Is it effective? Do you know what customers really want from your business? Are there any markets that are being missed?
Adapt to New Change - Example Ahead… How does this Generation - Connect !!! Adapt to New Change - Example Ahead…
LinkedIn - A Network Building Platform
LinkedIn Recommendations & Endorsements
Check Points Identify the factors that impact your firm Clients Identifying influences Differentiating yourself Summarizing your work so far Defining your market Self Analysis – Taking a closer look Monitoring Performance – How are you going?
‘How’ is not just a question Is the Answer Best Example :