Performance-enhancing Drugs
Types of Performance-enhancing drug
Anabolic Steroids A group of compounds that are closely related to male_____ Either ________ or taken _______ Increases _______, ________ and ________ to ________and _______.
History of Steriods
Anabolic Steroids Short & Long-term effects on the body Minor – Major – Male – Female –
Stimulants: Amphetamine, Ephedrine Comprise a large group of substances that include everything from the ________in coffee to illegal drugs such as ___________and _____________. Increase the amount of ____________ in the _______. Typically abused with the goal to
Stimulants - Effects on Body Short-term: reduce fatigue, Long-term:
HGH – Human Growth Hormone Growth Hormone is naturally produced by the ____________and stimulates ___________________ in humans. HGH is prescribed for people with certain diseases such as: Illegal Use:
Side Effects of HGH HGH can cause Long-term HGH use can lead to: .
EPO - Erythropoietin EPO is a hormone produced by the ______ that _____________________to make healthy ___________, thereby increasing ________________ of the blood. EPO has been abused as a performance enhancing substance by ____________such as
EPO – Effect on the Body EPO is dangerous because it ____________________. If blood becomes too “______,” blood can sludge and _____ _____________. If this happens in the ______, a ________ will result. If it happens in the _______, a ___________will occur.
Creatine – Supplement Creatine is a natural supplement found in _______________. Provides - instant energy for _________ Side Effects – causes
Diuretices Commonly known as “__________” Acts on _________ to _____________output Helps lose weight in a short period of time Side effects – _______________in body, causing Serious side effect –