Mini Conference Presentation 8/8/2017 Jessica Gardner Classroom On The Go! Mini Conference Presentation 8/8/2017 Jessica Gardner
Why Create An Online Classroom?? Utilize classroom and district technology Microsoft Teams can be accessed on classroom computers, as an app on iPads, in the computer lab, on Asus tablets, on your teacher computer, on a parent’s tablet or phone. IT’S AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE. Give parents access to the classroom. You can insert any document that you have on your computer or you get off the internet. My favorite is to insert GoMath pages from ThinkCentral, and teach the lesson and save! Parents can go back and check out how to do the math or a student can be refreshed! Homework, newsletters, spelling…Everything can be posted! Collaborate with your team! You can use Microsoft Teams to create an online classroom for your grade level team or department. Share files, chat with skype, add videos and pictures…so many possibilities!
Accessing Microsoft Teams (formerly Microsoft Classroom) Go to: Click on the one drive icon (cloud icon)
Accessing Microsoft Teams (formerly Microsoft Classroom) Sign in with your CISD email and password. Student access with their student email and password: Enter email password And sign in Click on grid in upper left hand corner Type in email address Hit Tab or click into password box. YOU WILL BE REDIRECTED Click on TEAMS in bottom left corner
Creating Your Classroom
Creating Your Classroom Notebook
Creating Your Classroom You can chose to edit OneNote online or on your computer. Using One Note 2016 on your computer allows for more functions. When you open up your One Note Online (or on the desktop) you will have sections that open on the left hand side. You will have a welcome sections, a collaboration space which everyone in the notebook can edit, content library which only the teacher can edit and put handouts in, and then student sections. Utilize the content library to add different sections for notes and handouts that all students can access. You can also set up research projects and other assignments!
Adding Assignments
Adding Assignments
Questions? Comments? After today’s session if you still have questions or comments, you can email me, Jessica Gardner at!
That’s All! Now it’s your turn to create your online classroom!