UPT: Questions may be grouped in the following issues: EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 UPT: Questions may be grouped in the following issues: previous experience, courses for improvement, evaluation.
Need for further investigation: EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 PART A: University Physics Teachers (UPT) Need for further investigation: since “teaching experience” is different than “teaching practice!” etc
EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011
EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 Need for tuning!
EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011
EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011
SSPT: Questions may be grouped in the following issues: EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 SSPT: Questions may be grouped in the following issues: teaching of an additional subject, main routes in order to be a PT, new developments in teacher training, shortage of physics teachers, “in service” training evaluation process for school teachers main problems specialized Universities to train PT for Secondary School
EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 PART B: (Upper) Secondary School Physics Teachers (SSPT) 1. Over what age range do school pupils have lessons named PHYSICS? Please estimate the percentage of these PHYSICS lessons taught by a teacher with a specialisation in Physics (e.g. university degree in Physics) 2. Are teachers of physics expected to teach in addition another subject? If so, what is this second subject? Do you see this as a problem? 3. What are the main routes for teachers of Physics to be trained? In your country are there any new developments in Teacher Training in the subject areas of Physics and Science? 5. In your country is there a serious shortage of physics teachers with a specialised training in Physics? Suggest what might be done to improve the situation
EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 PART B: (Upper) Secondary School Physics Teachers (SSPT) 1. Over what age range do school pupils have lessons named PHYSICS? Please estimate the percentage of these PHYSICS lessons taught by a teacher with a specialisation in Physics (e.g. university degree in Physics). 14 -17 (+-1)
EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 For Belgium: 25%
EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 2. Are teachers of physics expected to teach in addition another subject? If so, what is this second subject? Do you see this as a problem?
EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 2. Are teachers of physics expected to teach in addition another subject? If so, what is this second subject? Do you see this as a problem?
Second subjects: mathematics, chemistry biology geography technology EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 2. Are teachers of physics expected to teach in addition another subject? If so, what is this second subject? Do you see this as a problem? Second subjects: mathematics, chemistry biology geography technology informatics, etc.
EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 PART B: (Upper) Secondary School Physics Teachers (SSPT) 3. What are the main routes for teachers of Physics to be trained? it seems to be a minor variety throughout Europe! Sequential and Parallel!
the essential point is: “the competences EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 PART B: (Upper) Secondary School Physics Teachers (SSPT) 3. What are the main routes for teachers of Physics to be trained? it seems to be a minor variety throughout Europe! Sequential and Parallel! the essential point is: “the competences a future PT has to acquire in order to be a good PT.
Concerning “the inevitable Collaboration between EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 PART B: (Upper) Secondary School Physics Teachers (SSPT) Concerning “the inevitable Collaboration between the Physics Departments and Physics Education professionals” it is not essential for the people to be in the same department or in the same building, but to be in the same mode of thinking.
new developments are expected! EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 PART B: (Upper) Secondary School Physics Teachers (SSPT) In your country are there any new developments in Teacher Training in the subject areas of Physics and Science (the last 5 years)? It seems that PTE is the issue that is constantly in “under construction!” Almost in every Country there are new developments or new developments are expected!
EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 PART B: (Upper) Secondary School Physics Teachers (SSPT) 5. In your country is there a serious shortage of physics teachers with a specialised training in Physics? Suggest what might be done to improve the situation
EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 Recommendations for reversing “shortage” are directed towards the following: Social status & economics (salaries) of Physics Teachers. Financing of Science Education (laboratory and ICT equipment). Psychological part: Enthusiasm towards Physics for PT & students. Better education (subject, pedagogical) as well as teacher practice in order to increase future PT self-confidence! Enhancing possibilities for employment. Advertizing PT job. Changes in training according to the problems in individual Countries: For example, in Spain they think to separate positions of Physics teachers from those for Chemistry teachers. In UK they think to allow teachers to be trained both physics & mathematics. In Belgium they think to allow students to combine their initial teacher training with their Master of Physics. Special conditions for students preparing to become PT. etc.
EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 PART B: (Upper) Secondary School Physics Teachers (SSPT) 6. Do Science and Physics teachers receive some kind of ‘In service training’? Is in service training done by (a) universities, (b) national agencies, (c) private companies, (d) other (please describe). Is there any accreditation of agencies doing “In Service” Training? 7. Is there any evaluation process for school teachers? If so, who is responsible for this (a) school, (b) ministry of education, (c) other. Give some details of this process including the frequency. 8. What do you consider to be the main problems concerning physics education in secondary schools? 9. In your country are there any specialised Universities or Colleges which only train Physics teachers for Secondary Schools and which have no other mission?
EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 Do Science and Physics teachers receive some kind of ‘In service training’? Need for tuning!
EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 Do Science and Physics teachers receive some kind of ‘In service training’? Is in service training done by (a) universities, (b) national agencies, (c) private companies, (d) other
EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 PART B: (Upper) Secondary School Physics Teachers (SSPT) 7. Is there any evaluation process for school teachers? If so, who is responsible for this (a) school, (b) ministry of education, (c) other. Give some details of this process including the frequency.
Need for tuning concerning evaluation frequency and criteria! EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 Need for tuning concerning evaluation frequency and criteria!
- Problems because of teaching other lessons EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 PART B: (Upper) Secondary School Physics Teachers (SSPT) 8. What do you consider to be the main problems concerning physics education in secondary schools? - Problems because of teaching other lessons - Problems because of shortage of PT Problems about PTE
EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 Most common problems are: Problems of economic nature (i.e. insufficient investments in education, etc.), Not enough experiments in class, make the lesson highly theoretical, pupils’ low interest in Physics (i.e. the low attractiveness of physics leads them to dislike Physics. Problems concerning PT service and training : Overloading of teachers in a classroom makes their job difficult, lack of the training in Physics & PCK of teachers for teaching new reformed curricula, Lack of interaction with young people (In University of Colorado, a new model has been developed that engages both physics faculty and education faculty in addressing challenges in science education: Talented undergraduate physics majors are hired as learning assistants, to assist interested faculty in redesigning their physics courses, so that students have more opportunities to articulate and defend their ideas and interact with one another.
- Albania, Czechia, Lithuania, Malta & Poland EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 PART B: (Upper) Secondary School Physics Teachers (SSPT) 9. In your country are there any specialised Universities or Colleges which only train Physics teachers for Secondary Schools and which have no other mission? - Albania, Czechia, Lithuania, Malta & Poland
EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 PART C: Primary School Physics-Science Teachers (PSPT) 1. Over what age range do pupils have lessons named ‘SCIENCE’ 2. What are the normal training routes for Primary School Teachers (a) University degree in Pedagogy, (b) University degree in any subject, (c) Other (specify) ? : Is this followed by a Teacher Training Course for Primary School Teachers 3. Estimate the percentage of Primary School teachers who have a degree in Physics 4. What percentage of Science Lessons are devoted to (a) Teaching basic ideas and knowledge about science, (b) Inspiring pupils to be curious about the natural world, (c) Enabling pupils to do simple experiments? 5. Do you think that there are problems about teaching Science in Primary Schools? If so, please explain.
EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 PART C: Primary School Physics-Science Teachers (PSPT) 1. Over what age range do pupils have lessons named ‘SCIENCE’ 7 – 10 (+-1)
EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 PART C: Primary School Physics-Science Teachers (PSPT) 2. What are the normal training routes for Primary School Teachers (a) University degree in Pedagogy, (b) University degree in any subject, (c) Other (specify) ? : Is this followed by a Teacher Training Course for Primary School Teachers In the majority of Countries the common training route for Primary School Science teachers is: University Degree in Pedagogy
EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 PART C: Primary School Physics-Science Teachers (PSPT) 3. Estimate the percentage of Primary School teachers who have a degree in Physics Having a degree in Physics, is very rare! Only in cases Physics teachers couldn’t be employed as Physics Teachers, they applied for a second university degree in Pedagogy and thus they found work in Primary Education. In the case of teachers with university degree in Pedagogy, it is very essential to make sure the lessons in the curriculum offer adequate knowledge in Physics and generally Science.
This depends on the teacher solely. EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 PART C: Primary School Physics-Science Teachers (PSPT) 4. What percentage of Science Lessons are devoted to (a) Teaching basic ideas and knowledge about science, (b) Inspiring pupils to be curious about the natural world, (c) Enabling pupils to do simple experiments? This depends on the teacher solely. If the teacher has a profound interest in Science there is a bigger possibility for the student to be enrolled with all the above! If the teacher has less interest he will just give a typical lecture.
Problems of infrastructure such as poor facilities for experiments. EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 PART C: Primary School Physics-Science Teachers (PSPT) 5. Do you think that there are problems about teaching Science in Primary Schools? If so, please explain. Problems related with the social status and economics of Primary School Science Teachers (PSST). Problems of infrastructure such as poor facilities for experiments. Problems occurring from the “insufficient” education in Science. Problems related with Cognitive Science and Biology. Lack of motivation and profound interest to teaching Physics.
Thank you for your attention! Ευχαριστώ EUPEN's 13th General Forum - EGF2011. “PREPARING GOOD PHYSICS TEACHERS" Limassol, Cyprus: 28-30 August 2011 Thank you for your attention! Ευχαριστώ