UW Eau Claire Campus Budget Forum November 2011 Budget Review Opportunities Discussion
Budget Review Total Budget Total Budget: $187,388,596 Fiscal Year 2010-11 Total Budget: $187,388,596
Budget Review Total Budget General Operating Budget Fiscal Year 2010-11 General Operating Budget Fiscal Year 2010-11 Total Budget: $187,388,596 General Operating Budget: $101,278,322
Budget Review General Operating Expenditures Fiscal Year 2010-11
How UWEC Gets Money Fiscal Year 1 Fiscal Year 2 Carryover $??? UW Remove revenue target, UWS System overhead, institutional shortfalls, etc. Carryover $??? (Fund 102) UW System Carryover $??? (Fund 102) $101 M Tuition Revenue Target General Purpose $44.1 M $57.1 M (Fund 131) (Fund 102) Authorized Budget $101 M Tuition Revenue Target $57.1 M (Fund 131) $57.1 M $5,969 9,566 FTE General Purpose Revenue $44.1 M (Fund 102) Authorized Budget (Fund 102) How UWEC Gets Money
Impact of Tuition/Budget Increases Fiscal Year 1 Fiscal Year 2 Authorized Budget $106 M (Fund 102) $101 M Tuition Revenue Target General Purpose (Fund 131) (Fund 102) $60.0 M $46.3 M Tuition Revenue Target $60.0 M $6,267 9,566 FTE $57.1 M $57.1 M $5,969 $61.6 M (Fund 131) 9,566 FTE 9,827 FTE (4-year trend) 5.0% Tuition Increase 5.0% Budget Increase (shared proportionally) General Purpose Revenue $44.1 M Authorized Budget $44.4 M (Fund 102) (Fund 102) Impact of Tuition/Budget Increases
Mechanics of Budget Reduction Fiscal Year Carryover (Fund 102) $101 M $101 M Permanent Property Student Aid Utilities Services & Supplies $98.8 M Benefits Tuition Revenue Target State of Wisconsin (Fund 131) Salaries General Purpose Revenue Authorized Budget (Fund 102) (Fund 102) Mechanics of Budget Reduction
Winter Session Salaries Flexibilities Winter Session Salaries $98.8 M Tuition Revenue Target (Fund 131) Service & Supplies General Purpose Revenue (Fund 102) Authorized Budget (Fund 102) Opportunities
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