Online Chapter Meeting FALL 2017
Join up. Rise up. Win. As we work to create a 21st century PSE SEIU Local 1948 that develops more leaders and engages more members than ever before, the Online Chapter Meeting template is a resource to help you be successful in your local. Every quarter, you’ll receive a new template like this one with a video message from the PSE State President, Executive Director, and member stories and helpful information from across the state. We hope this template helps you run your meetings more effectively, and is a valuable resource for your chapter’s leadership team. If you have questions or feedback, please contact: PSE of WA
Chapter Meeting Call to Order and Roll Call of Officers Meeting Chair states, “This meeting to now called to order.” Secretary conducts roll call of elected officers, speaking loudly, clearly and allowing time for officers to reply. Welcome and introduction of visitors and first time attendees. President states, “We will now watch some important messages from our state office of Public School Employees of Washington SEIU Local 1948.” PSE of WA
Member Spotlight Photo: Facebook Joe Bowen, Freeman High School After September’s tragic shooting at Freeman High School, we want to recognize Joe Bowen. Joe is a custodian at the high school whose quick thinking and heroic actions stopped the shooting. Thank you, Joe! PSE SEIU Local 1948 is dedicated to the safety of Washington’s schools and our members. This year, we are working to create positive change for school safety. Stay tuned for ways that you can get involved. Photo: Facebook PSE of WA
Chapter Spotlight: Our Plan for Success PSE Richland-Paraeducators Leaders of the Richland-Paraeducators chapter shared their plan to greet new members: Participate in new employee orientations. Personally reach out to new members to attend the general meeting. Send 2-3 new membership forms to each building representative to encourage them to have every member in their building sign-up. “In our chapter, we’re ready to get all of our members recommitted to our union on the new signup forms.” -Paula Fallon Chapter President PSE of WA
School Employees Benefits Board Winning on behalf of education support professionals In 2020, Washington’s school employees will finally have access to quality and affordable healthcare through the School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) Program. A new board, appointed by Governor Inslee in September 2017, will “design and approve insurance benefit plans for school employees, and establish eligibility criteria for participation in these plans.” (Washington State Health Care Authority) PSE member Patricia Estes, an assistant cook with the Eatonville School District, was appointed to the state board. Follow our legislative blog at for the latest updates on SEBB. PSE of WA
Message from State President Charlotte Shindler Charlotte Shindler Phone: (253) 876-7413
Message from Executive Director George Dockins George Dockins Phone: (253) 676-7411 PSE of WA
Save the Date! Upcoming dates and deadlines PSE Calendar STATEWIDE TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More) June 2018 Leadership Academy Saturday, October 7 – Auburn Saturday, October 21 – Spokane Saturday, October 28 – Tri Cities Saturday, November 4 – Vancouver Convention August 3-5, 2018 Legislative Conference January 14-15, 2018 Registration opens in November LOCAL CHAPTER Chapter Elections Classified Public School Employee Week March 12-16, 2018 Chapter Treasurer’s Annual Report Form 990N Due October 31st, 2017 Other dates or deadlines PSE Calendar PSE of WA
Chapter Business Session Overview of Standard Agenda President’s Report Secretary’s Report Building/Classification Representatives’ Reports Membership Officer’s Report Treasurer’s Report PSE Staff/Field Representative Comments Good of the Order Roberts Rules of Order normally governs PSE chapter meetings. Collective Bargaining Contracts (CBA’s) govern employee and employer relationships. Find your CBA Chapter Bylaws govern local chapter business. Find your chapter bylaws and collective bargaining contracts State Bylaws – govern all PSE chapters. Click and see link at top of linked page Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Chapter Business Session Chapter President Report Requests additions to standard agenda (see previous slide). Read summary of actions and decisions taken by the Executive Board since the last meeting. Summarize activities President engaged in since previous meeting. Summarize anticipated activities prior to next meeting. Discuss upcoming events and solicits volunteers for vacant positions. Conduct any other required business, elections, etc. Roberts Rules of Order normally governs PSE chapter meetings. Collective Bargaining Contracts (CBA’s) govern employee and employer relationships. Find your CBA Chapter Bylaws govern local chapter business. Find your chapter bylaws and collective bargaining contracts State Bylaws – govern all PSE chapters. Click and see link at top of linked page Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
New Business Session Chapter Secretary Report Motion for approval of the minutes as presented or as amended. Normally minutes are distributed or posted for review in advance. Review how, where, when minutes are distributed. Review relevant correspondence received with members. Summarize long or irrelevant letters received. Roberts Rules of Order normally governs PSE chapter meetings. Collective Bargaining Contracts (CBA’s) govern employee and employer relationships. Find your CBA Chapter Bylaws govern local chapter business. Find your chapter bylaws and collective bargaining contracts State Bylaws – govern all PSE chapters. Click and see link at top of linked page Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Chapter Business Session Chapter Membership Officer Report Total number of chapter members. Current number of full dues payers. Current number of fee or non‐dues payers. Full member percentage: full dues payers / total members x 100. Goal is 100%. Total of new members hired into chapter prior month. Number of new members greeted in the prior month. Recognize greeters by name for their work in the prior month. Roberts Rules of Order normally governs PSE chapter meetings. Collective Bargaining Contracts (CBA’s) govern employee and employer relationships. Find your CBA Chapter Bylaws govern local chapter business. Find your chapter bylaws and collective bargaining contracts State Bylaws – govern all PSE chapters. Click and see link at top of linked page Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Chapter Business Session Chapter Treasurer Report Report amount of balance(s) of chapter trust account(s). Report anticipated expenses for upcoming chapter activities (convention delegates, Legislative Conference, Trainings, etc.). Report whether or not receipts received correspond with transactions on bank statement and any other appropriate information about financial health of the chapter. Financial health is related to: Sending delegates to convention in order for chapter to receive dues rebates. Executive board creates budgets that collects and invests local dues in chapter member activities that promotes new member involvement. Minimizing the number of non‐dues paying members in the chapter. Roberts Rules of Order normally governs PSE chapter meetings. Collective Bargaining Contracts (CBA’s) govern employee and employer relationships. Find your CBA Chapter Bylaws govern local chapter business. Find your chapter bylaws and collective bargaining contracts State Bylaws – govern all PSE chapters. Click and see link at top of linked page Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
New Business Session Building/Classification Representatives Reports General overview of activities since last meeting (maintain confidentiality and anonymity). It should not be possible for anyone present to guess who or where activities are occurring in order to protect members. Summarize observations of general management practices affecting members (examples: skimming of work; disregarding seniority; not bargaining changes in work conditions; member safety concerns). It may be that there are even improvements to comment on. Roberts Rules of Order normally governs PSE chapter meetings. Collective Bargaining Contracts (CBA’s) govern employee and employer relationships. Find your CBA Chapter Bylaws govern local chapter business. Find your chapter bylaws and collective bargaining contracts State Bylaws – govern all PSE chapters. Click and see link at top of linked page Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Chapter Business Session New Business This is where the elected members (executive board/trustees) introduce topics of new business for discussion and action/decisions. Roberts Rules of Order normally governs PSE chapter meetings. Collective Bargaining Contracts (CBA’s) govern employee and employer relationships. Find your CBA Chapter Bylaws govern local chapter business. Find your chapter bylaws and collective bargaining contracts State Bylaws – govern all PSE chapters. Click and see link at top of linked page Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Chapter Business Session PSE Staff PSE staff, including the field representative, present information. Roberts Rules of Order normally governs PSE chapter meetings. Collective Bargaining Contracts (CBA’s) govern employee and employer relationships. Find your CBA Chapter Bylaws govern local chapter business. Find your chapter bylaws and collective bargaining contracts State Bylaws – govern all PSE chapters. Click and see link at top of linked page Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Did You Know? You have the right of representation. They’re called Weingarten Rights. If your boss calls you into a meeting where you may be disciplined, you have rights for union representation to be present. Simply state, “If this discussion could in any way lead to my being disciplined or terminated, or affect my personal working conditions, I respectfully request that my union representative, officer or steward be present at the meeting. Without representation, I will attend the meeting and follow lawful orders, but I choose not to answer any questions.” PSE of WA
Good of the Order Member Comments This is where any member in good standing in attendance may stand up and provide information or make comments. Consider limiting the time to 3 minutes per person, unless extended by the meeting Chair. PSE of WA
Meeting Adjournment Mark your calendars for the next meeting President adjourns the meeting by stating, “This meeting is now adjourned.” State the time and place of the next meeting. PSE of WA
Chapter Training Sharing Expertise Chapters that include a short 10‐15 minute training at the end of their chapter meetings report increased attendance at chapter meetings. Consider following your chapter meeting with some kind of short training for members relevant to all members and classifications. Examples could be having a member proficient with Google Docs showing how to utilize them, or a member sharing information from a training, conference they have attended. Contact the PSE Education and Training Manager at 253.876.7420 with questions and more information. PSE of WA
Thank You!